Brain Training Articles & News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Math Help for Kids Struggling with General Math, Geometry, or Algebra

Aptitude for math can often seem like an innate skill—some kids have it and some simply don’t. In reality, building math skills and abilities requires active work over the years. Whether your child is a math whiz or struggles with numbers, any student can benefit from regular, sustained math help!   Learning math is a progressive ...

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Get Math Help: Understanding Why Kids Struggle with Math

Since 2020, kids have had a tougher time than ever with school subjects—and especially with math, an already notoriously difficult subject. If your learner is having a hard time with this subject, what sort of math help would make a difference? A lot of people struggle with math, including adults. In fact, one study suggests ...

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Improve Problem-Solving and Math Skills with Brain Training

Math skills don’t always come easily, and that’s okay! Some people seem to have a natural aptitude for numbers, but far more learners need hands-on support with math before they start to excel. Fortunately, brain training and other forms of one-on-one assistance can make all the difference with learning challenges. At LearningRx, our MathRx® program ...

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Math Help Answers the Question, Why is My Child Struggling with Math?

Some people seem to have a natural aptitude for numbers, but it’s far more common to struggle with math! Many students dread this subject, and it doesn’t just affect their grades—it can also impact their overall self-esteem. If you think your child may need math help, read on! Math isn’t just a single subject—it’s a ...

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How Math and Reading Skills Are Interrelated

Would it surprise you to learn that math skills and reading skills are deeply related to each other? That means, when a learner struggles in one subject, they may also experience challenges in the other. It also means that, if a learner needs math help, they may find that reading help benefits them as well! ...

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Find Help with Math: What to Do When Your Child Struggles with Math

We’re surrounded by math every day — whether you’re calculating the tip for a waiter or hair stylist, tracking sports statistics for your favorite team, or playing music. Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with numbers and math, and it starts at a young age. If you think your learner might need math help, here’s ...

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Math Help: What Is Dyscalculia?

A lot of people struggle with numbers, but not everyone struggles for the same reasons. If you typically struggle with math related tasks, your first priority may be getting math help. At the same time, you may be wondering: why is this happening?  Fear or apprehension about math is surprisingly common. From kids to adults, ...

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Getting Math Help: All About Math Anxiety

Tears, stress, avoidance, and anger: these are symptoms of math anxiety, a real phenomenon that affects cognitive function. While lots of students may need math help, those with math anxiety can especially benefit from a different approach.  What is Math Anxiety Math anxiety, also known as math phobia, is an increasingly common experience for students ...

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Is Tutoring the Only Option for Math Help?

“I’m just not good at math.” How many times have you heard that? Some people seem to have a natural aptitude for numbers and equations, while others can’t help but struggle. For those who have a tough time, math help can redefine what’s possible. That’s true for kids as well as teens—and adults, too. Parents ...

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Struggling Student Blossoms After Personal Brain Training

Vivian struggled with school and it led to school-related anxiety and frustration. She enrolled in a LearningRx brain training program and was soon doing well in her classes. See what changed her academic trajectory.

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