
Improve Problem-Solving and Math Skills with Brain Training

Math skills don’t always come easily, and that’s okay! Some people seem to have a natural aptitude for numbers, but far more learners need hands-on support with math before they start to excel. Fortunately, brain training and other forms of one-on-one assistance can make all the difference with learning challenges.

At LearningRx, our MathRx® program is great for improving math and problem-solving skills alike. That’s because these two skill groups are closely connected.

When we think of problem-solving, we often think of it as a “soft skill,” transferrable abilities that are often acquired naturally. In comparison, abilities in math are described as “hard skills,” technical skills that require training and proficiency. In truth, problem-solving is just another skill that can be strengthened through dedicated training and with proper support.

Let’s take a look!

The Connection Between Problem-Solving and Math Skills

Improving Problem-Solving Skills with Math Skills

Solving math problems and solving problems outside of an academic environment can feel like two very different skills. But you may be surprised at how these abilities overlap. Here’s how math skills can play a part in problem-solving, too:

  • Analysis.
    When you’re dealing with a complex problem, you often have to break it down into smaller parts to make it understandable. That’s true with math, too! This ability, once learned, will make it less daunting to tackle difficult conundrums.
  • Pattern recognition.
    Understanding the relationship between consequences and outcomes is crucial to preventing mistakes and dealing with problems. Stronger math skills make it easier to identify these problems.
  • Logic.
    Math is a practical application of our logic skills. In order to solve even the simplest equations, you have to use reasoning skills to reach a logical conclusion. These reasoning skills can be enormously valuable when solving problems in any realm. 

How Problem-Solving and Math Skills Can Benefit Any Learner

When students improve their aptitude for math and solving problems, they can discover new abilities and surprising strengths. Here are just a few ways that these skills can translate into new competencies:

  • Resilience.
    When learners are confident about their problem-solving skills, they’re less daunted by challenges. That’s because they have an existing framework that they can use to approach obstacles or difficulties, making them more resilient!
  • Creativity.
    Math skills and problem-solving skills may not seem synonymous with creativity. But all three of these skill groups can frequently require lateral thinking—in other words, out-of-the-box thinking that’s connected to logic and reasoning.
  • Critical thinking.
    Both math and problem-solving require a learner to assess the situation, identify the issue, and to consider different solutions. These critical thinking skills are invaluable for more complex thinking and understanding. 

Unlocking new skills in math can help learners feel more confident in their learning and thinking skills. That’s why it’s so important to get focused support, like one-on-one brain training!

Target Math Skills with Dedicated Brain Training

Math skills can be targeted, trained, and strengthened, just like any other cognitive skills! At LearningRx, our brain training programs help students gain fluency with numbers and math concepts while exercising and developing problem-solving skills.  

We understand that math challenges look different for every learner. That’s why we customize each program based on the unique needs and abilities of each student. We welcome learners of all ages—kids, teens, and adults can all benefit from brain training. We even offer support for those with cognitive differences, like dyscalculia or ADHD!

With dedicated, one-on-one math help, anyone can improve on their foundational skills!  Learn more about how brain training targets core math skills. To start a conversation about you or your learner’s needs, you can contact LearningRx at 866-BRAIN-01 or visit our website today.

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