Brain Training Articles & News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Helping Kids with ADHD Focus

For kids and teens with ADHD, school can come with particularly unique challenges—and some problems may be more obvious than others. If your student is facing a tough time in the classroom, it’s worth considering one-on-one ADHD help to support them. ADHD comes with the stigma of a short attention span, but that’s not entirely ...

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How ADHD and Executive Function Disorder Overlap

When you or your learner needs ADHD help, it’s crucial to understand how and why certain challenges manifest. Why is it so easy to lose track of time? Why do you feel overwhelmed when faced with competing priorities? The more you know about specific symptoms and difficulties, the easier it is to approach solutions without ...

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Looking for Help with ADHD and Executive Functioning? 

Lack of motivation, difficulty starting tasks, poor planning: do these challenges ring a bell for you or your child? If you or someone you love needs ADHD help, it’s useful to understand why these problems occur so often—and what solutions can make a meaningful difference. Often, kids, teens, and adults with ADHD also struggle with ...

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Looking for ADHD Help? Find Out How Brain Training Works

Living with ADHD means finding creative solutions to challenges at school, at work, and in life. Sometimes, these strategies work for a while, but do not provide long-term solutions. Approaching these challenges with a sense of curiosity, creativity, and good humor can be crucial for finding the right ADHD help.  Our understanding of ADHD has ...

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