
Helping Kids with ADHD Focus

For kids and teens with ADHD, school can come with particularly unique challenges—and some problems may be more obvious than others. If your student is facing a tough time in the classroom, it’s worth considering one-on-one ADHD help to support them.

ADHD comes with the stigma of a short attention span, but that’s not entirely accurate. Instead, many psychologists describe those with ADHD are experiencing a dysregulated system of focus, where their attention is unevenly distributed depending on what they’re dealing with. It means that sometimes those with ADHD find it impossible to focus—and sometimes they simply can’t stop focusing on a particular activity. 

Focus can be a cornerstone of studying and learning, so perhaps it’s not surprising that those with ADHD may face an uphill battle as a result. Understanding some of the ways that attention dysregulation manifests may also help you understand what kind of ADHD help your learner needs. Let’s review some of the ways that focus can affect individuals with this cognitive difference. 

Understanding Focus and ADHD 

3 Ways that Focus Can Be a Challenge 

For students with ADHD, it’s not just that they’re dealing with poor focus—they may, in fact, be overly focused, but on something completely unrelated to learning. Here are three examples of how focus can be difficult for those with ADHD:  

  • Impulse-driven distraction. This type of poor focus is frequently associated with ADHD. Students who struggle with impulse control or hyperactivity may have difficulty sitting still during class and may get distracted by other impulses and activities. 
  • Inattention. Inattentiveness is a variation of poor focus but results in different forms of distraction. It may cause a student to stare out the window, or appear to be daydreaming or lost in thought. They may be sitting still, but just like the previous example, their minds are elsewhere. 
  • Hyperfocus. Those with ADHD also deal with hyperfocus, which is an intense fixation on a particular activity or interest. They may not notice time passing by, or they may find it extremely difficult to pry themselves away from a particular activity if it holds their interest. 

Finding ADHD Help Suited to Your Learner

Students with ADHD are often keenly aware of the challenges they face with learning and studying. It’s not uncommon for them to be frustrated by their own abilities or otherwise grapple with low self-esteem. That’s why it’s important to find ADHD help that truly supports them. 

Here are a few tips for finding the right ADHD programs: 

  • Speak to your child. Involve your child in the process where you can. Ask them what they struggle with. You want to be as positive and encouraging as possible, so they’re more comfortable with answering these questions. 
  • Speak to the experts. Talk to your child’s doctor as well as their teachers. They can help to identify challenging areas for your learner, so you know what form of support to look for.  
  • Explore your options. Finding an effective ADHD help program can be a trial-and-error process. Cut yourself some slack while exploring, and know that it may take time to find what works for your child.  

Dynamic, One-on-One ADHD Help with LearningRx 

When you’re looking for ADHD help that’s suited to your learner, you can always turn to LearningRx! For students who struggle with focus, inattention, or hyperfocus, our one-on-one programs are a great way to get the support they need: 

  • It’s personalized. We tailor our programs based on a comprehensive assessment of each student’s skills and struggles.  
  • It’s dynamic. Through stimulating games, puzzles, and drills, students are engaged in every session by a one-on-one brain trainer. 
  • It’s confidence-building. We help students celebrate their unique strengths and tackle challenges, fostering their confidence in the process! 

When you want ADHD help that’s customized to your learner, you’ll want to explore our brain training programs. Find your local LearningRx by visiting us online or call 1-866-BRAIN-01 to discuss your learner’s needs today.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with Learning Rx!