
Math Help Answers the Question, Why is My Child Struggling with Math?

Some people seem to have a natural aptitude for numbers, but it’s far more common to struggle with math! Many students dread this subject, and it doesn’t just affect their grades—it can also impact their overall self-esteem. If you think your child may need math help, read on!

Math isn’t just a single subject—it’s a whole world of numbers, shapes, and equations, one that draws on logic, spatial reasoning, and visual processing. It’s no surprise, then, that kids may have a tough time with one or many aspects of this subject.

Unfortunately, many students link an aptitude for math with an aptitude for intelligence. If they experience difficulty with math, it’s easy for them to think they’re just not smart enough. That’s simply not true!

Cognitive abilities aren’t set in stone. Instead, they can be targeted and strengthened through dedicated practice, like brain training. With proper math help, many students are able to discover new skills and strengths in the subject! Let’s review why kids struggle, and how brain training can make a difference.  

Math Help: Why Kids Struggle and How To Tell

3 Common Reasons Kids Struggle with Math

Needing math help isn’t unusual, but why is that? There are plenty of reasons students have a hard time in this subject, but here are a few of the most common:

  • Lack of confidence.
    Most kids pick up cues from the world around them, whether that’s from peers, pop culture, or other sources. They may notice that others struggle with math, and assume that they will as well. That can create an uphill battle before they’ve even gotten started!
  • An insufficient foundation.
    Math requires cumulative learning, expanding on previous lessons and understanding to teach new concepts. If students haven’t sufficiently learned previous math concepts—or lack other foundational skills needed for learning—it makes new ideas or concepts that much harder to understand.
  • Cognitive differences.
    We all have different strengths and abilities, and these can be further impacted by cognitive differences like ADHD or dyscalculia. If students have a learning difference, it can affect their ability to perform well in math—making it harder for them to understand concepts or spend time on the material.

How To Tell If Your Child Needs Math Help

When kids need support with math, it can often be seen in both small and large ways. Here are a few potential indicators your child might benefit from math help:

  • They express negative feelings.
    Often, kids might say things like, “I’m not smart enough to do math,” or, “I hate math.” If they get annoyed, bored, or disparaging when math or numbers are discussed, that can be a sign that they need support.
  • Their grades are lagging.
    If your child’s grades are mostly consistent, except for their math grades, that’s often a clear sign that they need more support. You can ask their teacher as well, to see if they’ve noticed anything.   
  • They seem anxious about it.
    Does your child get panicky or tearful when dealing with math? Do they get stressed when trying to make changes, or do they still use their hands to do addition or subtraction? These can be signs that math help is needed, too.

How Brain Training Offers Dynamic Math Help!

At LearningRx, we’re well-versed in offering math help to learners of all ages. Through interactive, one-on-one brain training, we help students target cognitive skills related to math. As learners progress through a program, they can build stronger math skills as well as practical strategies for approaching math challenges!

For kids, our training programs offer a dynamic approach to numbers and math concepts. It’s a change of pace from the classroom, and an opportunity to look at math in a fresh light. Motivated by their personal brain trainer, students can improve core math skills and build a stronger foundation for math learning!

Get one-on-one math help with personalized brain training! To find your local LearningRx, call 866-BRAIN-01 or get started online today.

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