What does research say about working memory and math skills?

The research suggests that basic mathematical skills rely heavily on domain-general cognitive processes, such as working memory (WM) and processing speed (Formosa et al., 2018; Fuchs et al., 2012; Hornung et al., 2014). The different domains associated with WM have been linked with parts related to math cognition and with early math overall. WM deficits …

What Does Research Say about Working Memory and Comprehension?

Research has connected certain cognitive skills to early reading skills. Working memory (WM) has a vital role to play in the academic performance of children, due to multiple academic tasks involving multiple sequences of tasks that should be remembered in a short period of time (Bergman Nutley & Söderqvist, 2017).For example, a deficit in working …

What Does Research Say About Working Memory and Reading Struggles?

When looking at the impact of working memory (WM) on reading, the research is direct. The key role WM has on reading performance is because tasks entail using both information processing and storage synchronously (Bergman Nutley & Söderqvist, 2017). Think of it as if someone wanted to understand the text, she must first visually process …

Working Memory: A Critical Skill for Successful Learning

For those whom learning comes easily, you may not give a second thought to your working memory and the important role it plays in your ability to absorb and synthesize information. However, an inadequate working memory can make it nearly impossible to focus and learn. Children who have poor working memory face common challenges and …

Skip the coffee. Exercise helps working memory just as well.

Do you drink coffee to "wake up" your brain? A first-of-its-kind study has found that just 20 minutes of exercise works just as well coffee to boost working memory. In addition, exercise can help with things like mood and focus just as much as caffeine. Even a brisk walk can help boost working memory and …

Improve Memory in

Improve Memory in No one’s memory is perfect. Whether it’s misplacing our keys or struggling to remember a new coworker’s name, we all forget things sometimes. But if you find yourself forgetting things more often than you used to, memory training may help. At LearningRx, we target short-term and long-term memory through brain training and …

Improve Memory in

Improve Memory in No one’s memory is perfect. Whether it’s misplacing our keys or struggling to remember a new coworker’s name, we all forget things sometimes. But if you find yourself forgetting things more often than you used to, memory training may help. At LearningRx, we target short-term and long-term memory through brain training and …

Improve Memory in

Improve Memory in No one’s memory is perfect. Whether it’s misplacing our keys or struggling to remember a new coworker’s name, we all forget things sometimes. But if you find yourself forgetting things more often than you used to, memory training may help. At LearningRx, we target short-term and long-term memory through brain training and …

Can I Help Improve My Child's Memory

Many kids forget things—but some struggle more than others to remember important details. That can be especially challenging when it comes to school, homework, and learning. How can anyone improve memory? What strategies should you consider? Memory problems can come in all shapes and sizes. When kids are simply too excited or too anxious, it …