LearningRx Harrisonburg Blog

Ways to Improve Reading Fluency for Choppy or Reluctant Readers

Reading fluency is a crucial skill that directly impacts comprehension and overall reading enjoyment. For some individuals, reading may feel like a daunting task, characterized by choppy reading with frequent stops and starts, or a hesitancy and overall reluctance to try. We all want our kids to experience the joy of effortlessly diving into a ...

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Key Cognitive Skills Needed for Math Success

Mathematics is a foundational discipline that influences many aspects of our daily lives, from simple transactions to complex engineering. Yet, for many, it remains a challenge. One reason is that math is not just about computation; it requires a host of cognitive skills working together to become natural. In this blog, we’ll explore the key ...

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Benefits of Cognitive Skills Testing

Cognitive skills are fundamental mental processes that enable us to think, learn, and retain information. Things like attention, memory, problem-solving, and processing speed all determine how efficiently learning can happen (or not). A cognitive skills assessment serves as a valuable tool for measuring these abilities, shedding light on strengths and weaknesses in various areas. Here ...

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A Powerful Stroke & Aphasia Recovery Story

When Stephen came to LearningRx, he had already tried several intensive stroke and aphasia recovery programs, but he still felt “locked” in his own mind. When he heard about our unique approach to addressing issues with thinking and learning, he was hopeful that something would finally change. Watch his powerful story here to check out ...

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Parent-Teacher Collaboration: Supporting Your Child’s Learning Journey

In the intricate web of a child’s education, the partnership between parents and teachers plays a pivotal role in ensuring a successful learning journey. Parent-teacher collaboration is a helpful tool to give your child a leg-up in their academic and personal development. LearningRx recognizes the importance of this collaboration and encourages parents to take an ...

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Parenting Tips for Encouraging a Love of Reading in Children with Learning Struggles

For children facing learning struggles, the journey into the world of words can be a daunting one. However, instilling a love of reading in these youngsters is not only possible but can be a transformative experience for both parent and child alike. Whether or not you yourself are an avid reader, here are some ways ...

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Adult Literacy: Building Reading Confidence at Any Age

In a world where information is constantly evolving and communication is key, the ability to read proficiently is more crucial than ever. While much emphasis is placed on childhood literacy, the truth is that literacy is a skill that can be developed and enhanced at any age. Adult literacy, in particular, plays a vital role ...

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5 Fun Cognitive Exercises for Kids That You Can Do at Home

Parents understand the importance of physical exercise for their children’s health, but what about mental fitness? Cognitive exercises play a crucial role in helping kids and teens develop essential thinking, learning, memory, attention, and reasoning skills. These underlying brain functions, collectively known as cognitive skills, are vital for success in school, work, and everyday life. ...

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Things People Say About Brain Training for Reading Help

Investigating reading help for kids can feel like an overwhelming process. There are many different interventions out there, and it can be hard to sort through which option is going to be the best for your child. While tutoring and other approaches have their place, brain training has also been a helpful tool for many ...

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How Does Gratitude Change Your Brain?

In our fast-paced world, gratitude is often relegated to a seasonal ritual. But what if we viewed it as a tool for sustained personal growth and well-being, capable of reshaping our brains and enhancing our daily lives? Gratitude is not just a fleeting sentiment; it’s a profound force that brings about significant changes in our ...

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