
Concerned About Your Child’s Grades? Get Homework Help Here!

When your child needs homework help or support with studying, many parents turn to tutoring services. But that’s not the only option—and it may not be the one that works for your student. Today, we’re exploring different forms of one-on-one assistance for kids and teens.

When it comes to challenges with learning, studying, and homework, different learners struggle for different reasons. Some students thrive best in a classroom-type environment, while others may lack the foundational skills needed to learn effectively. Getting to the root of your child’s struggles will inform what approach you take. 

With that in mind, here’s a few questions to consider: 

  • Have they recently missed classes? 
  • Are they dealing with a learning difference, like dyslexia or ADHD? 
  • Have they tried tutoring before, with limited success?
  • Are they faced with a new teacher?

These and other questions can help you understand if your child is facing difficulties with the learning format, or if there are other challenges that may need to be addressed. It’s the first step for enlisting studying and homework help that productively supports your child.  

With those questions in mind, let’s review whether brain training programs or tutoring services are better suited to your student’s needs.

Homework Help: Brain Training or Tutoring Services?

All About Tutoring Services

What are tutoring services? These are typically one-on-one services that focus on delivering information to a student. They’re usually isolated to one specific topic, such as math or science, and are dedicated to re-teaching the lessons and materials from a particular class or grade level.

Because of that, they’re well-suited for students who:

  • Thrive in an academic environment
  • Have missed class due to illness or for other reasons
  • Are struggling with one particular teacher or subject

But this type of learning is often limited in its scope. If kids struggle with completing homework, taking effective notes, or other aspects of studying—or if they’re facing challenges in a number of classes—they may need additional one-on-one support. 

How Brain Training Offers Homework Help

Brain training focuses on building learning skills, instead of just delivering learning materials. That means students can receive support related to specific subjects, like reading or math, and they can also work on building skills and abilities that can be applied across all subjects. 

Brain training is a fantastic choice for students who: 

  • Deal with cognitive differences
  • Require more time with schoolwork in comparison to peers
  • Struggle with core skills like reading, studying, or homework completion 
  • Haven’t seen success with tutoring

That’s because brain training focuses on cultivating those skills that are crucial to learning—like focus, logic, and processing speed. For students who have a tough time in school, or who need homework help, it can be a transformational way to approach reading, studying, and learning again. 

Our One-on-One Alternative to Tutoring

At LearningRx, we offer homework help programs for all ages, with a personalized approach that helps each student excel on their own terms. Through our brain training programs, students can work on honing specific skills, like memory and reasoning, in a dynamic, one-on-one environment. 

These are skills that can be leveraged across subjects, from homework to in-class learning. That’s not all. Along the way, they’ll also work on building more effective homework habits and strategies related to: 

  • Time management
  • Setting goals 
  • Thinking creatively
  • Reading 
  • Math
  • Writing 
  • Organization

Over the years, we’ve seen great results* with our homework help programs. From 2010 to 2021, kids and teens who completed a LearningRx program reported cognitive skill improvements by 3.5 years on average! Parents reported an increase in self-esteem and academic performance, too. 

(*Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)

When you want an alternative to tutoring services, consider brain training from LearningRx. To learn more about our homework help programs, find your local LearningRx or contact us at 1-866-BRAIN-01.

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