True Success: McKenzie, 11 years old

McKenzie was put on an anti-depressant and on medication to help her focus. We soon found that medication wasn’t the answer.

For second grade we asked that she be put in a classroom with a special education teacher to help her if she needed extra help. The classroom was disruptive and disorganized; it seemed that there was no learning going on and unfortunately, McKenzie would be in this classroom for two years. Not only did she have issues with focusing, but she was way behind academically.

We knew we must find some answers before she became lost forever. We started by trying to get her caught up at Sylvan Learning Center. We hadn’t even started the tutoring when a LearningRx brochure arrived in the mail. While it would have been nice to train the brain before having the tutoring, there simply wasn’t time. We had the summer to get her back on track and so she did the programs at the same time.

LearningRx has helped McKenzie in so many ways. The first things we saw were improved coordination and balance. This led to a confidence boost! Then we saw her progress with memory work and we were psyched! Her attentions pan is longer now and her focus has improved. Being able to stay on task has lessened her frustration and anxiety. She has fewer blowups and meltdown sand this has helped her acclimate socially to her new school. Academically she has done far better than we had ever hoped for.

It amazes me that she feels she can hear better now. I think the fluency of her reading has improved; it was fairly choppy before. LearningRx is great program and I think you have a wonderful opportunity to help so many children.

Parents of McKenzie

11 years old

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