
Build Better Study Skills with Homework Help!

Some people seem like naturals when it comes to studying—but the truth is, study skills aren’t innate. Everyone has to work at improving them from time to time, and most people need help when the going gets tough. If you’re looking for homework help for your learner, it’s worth considering brain training from LearningRx!

But first, let’s talk about studying. It’s easy to think that these and other learning skills lose their importance outside of the classroom. In reality, study skills are enormously valuable at home, at work, and in everyday life!

From following instructions to meeting deadlines and prioritizing activities based on importance, each of these study skills has a role to play throughout our lives. When learners improve the way they study and complete homework, these are concrete skills and abilities they can carry with them well beyond the classroom.

Let’s review what that means in a little more detail.

How Better Study Skills Offer Homework Help

4 Study Skills That Can Be Improved

Homework and studying are deeply related. When learners struggle with study skills, it often means they have a harder time completing homework and any other independent learning tasks, too.

Fortunately, that means if students improve their study skills, it means they can often get the homework help they need. Here are just a few skills that have an impact:

  • Time management.
    Completing homework effectively means understanding how much time each task takes, budgeting time accordingly, and having the motivation to get started.
  • Recall.
    Homework often draws on lesson concepts and details learned in class. This information is stored in the brain, but being able to retrieve and access it upon demand is a skill that takes practice.  
  • Organization.
    Being organized can decrease the stress and pressure involved in completing homework. From maintaining neat, organized notes to keeping a schedule organized, this is a skill crucial to studying and homework alike. 
  • Reading comprehension.
    Understanding reading materials—especially at a glance—can be an important factor for successful homework assignments. That includes reading instructions and textbooks as well as re-reading a learner’s own work!

The good news is, these study skills aren’t static abilities, but skills that can be targeted and honed through our one-on-one homework help programs. Let’s take a closer look. 

How Our Homework Help Programs Make A Difference

Whether students are looking for homework help or they want to improve their study skills, our programs offer personalized support to each learner. Here’s how our programs can help:

  • Practical strategies.
    From staying motivated to building confidence, students can pick up specific strategies to help them re-approach learning.
  • Healthier habits.
    Note-taking, prioritizing, and goal-setting— are all skills that can improve studying and homework outcomes!
  • Brain training.
    Through one-on-one brain training, learners can practice and hone skills like memory, focus, reading comprehension, and more!

Homework Help Through One-on-One Brain Training

When students hone their cognitive skills, it can transform the way they think, study, read, learn, and remember! Through one-on-one brain training, we customize each program based on a student’s needs and abilities, whether learners are seeking homework help or looking to improve study skills:

  • StudyRx®
    Learners work on becoming more effective note-takers and test-takers and get the homework help they need.
  • ComprehendRx®
    This program focuses on students’ reading speed, accuracy, comprehension, and other vital skills.
  • MathRx®
    Students can build their confidence around math concepts while targeting their logic and reasoning skills.

With a different approach for every learner, we make it easier for every student to succeed on their terms!  
Strengthen study skills through our homework help programs! Visit LearningRx online to explore our programs or call 866-BRAIN-01 for more information. 

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with Learning Rx!