
Prepare for Fall Now with Brain Training and Tutoring

When students are prepared for the next school year, it can give them confidence and build their appetite for learning! This summer, why not help your child prepare for the fall by enlisting professionals? The right academic support, such as brain training or tutoring, can make all the difference for your student.

That’s especially true during the summer when kids have plenty of time to get restless and bored. Learning during this time can provide all kinds of benefits, from providing much-needed structure to stimulating young minds. It can also be helpful whether a student is struggling or they’re thriving. 

Do you know the benefits of summer tutoring or brain training?  

  • It helps them catch up. 
    When learners fall behind in class, it can have a cascading impact, making each new subject progressively more difficult. Summer learning gives students the chance to catch up in time for the next school year!
  • It helps them get ahead.
    Getting ahead academically is never a bad thing. When students have time during the summer to learn in advance, it can give them a leg up during the next year. It can also make difficult subjects that much less daunting.
  • It prevents learning loss.
    The extended time away from school can cause students to lose existing skills and knowledge. One-on-one learning can be a great way to prevent that! It means students can still stay on track even as they start fall classes.

Let’s take a look at how brain training and tutoring can help learners of all ages—and which option is the right one for your situation.

How Learners Benefit From Academic Support

3 Ways Academic Support Can Help

Why choose tutoring or brain training instead of enrolling your child in summer school? These types of dedicated academic support can yield different benefits than a classroom:

  1. One-on-one attention.
    When students are in class, they’re vying for the attention of their teacher along with dozens of other kids. As a result, having focused, one-on-one support can often yield deeper learning.
  2. Building useful strategies.
    Having concrete learning strategies in place can make it that much easier to approach homework, reading, and test prep—all crucial for academic success. This is just one area where brain training can be especially helpful!
  3. Support for those with cognitive differences.
    For students on the spectrum, or with ADHD, dyslexia, or other cognitive differences, it can sometimes be easier to fall behind. Academic support can help learners catch up again!

Should You Choose Brain Training or Tutoring?

You may still have one big question: which type of academic support makes sense for your learner? Let’s review your options:  

  • Tutoring.
    This form of one-on-one help can be well-suited to students who perform well in school but need more time to study the materials. That’s because a tutor will often recreate a classroom environment, within a one-on-one context.
  • Brain training.
    This kind of dedicated support can be particularly helpful for students who struggle in class, students with cognitive differences, or students who have to work harder on classwork. That’s because brain training focuses on building and strengthening underlying cognitive skills—skills that can make learning that much easier.

Strengthen Learning Skills With Brain Training

Help your learner get ahead with one-on-one brain training! At LearningRx, we personalize each student’s program based on their unique needs, strengths, and goals. Whether learners need homework help or they struggle to take tests successfully, we tailor our approach to support them.

Each client works with a one-on-one brain trainer, practicing their skills through games and drills. It’s an intense, focused environment in which learners are motivated to tackle new challenges and advance their abilities. As they strengthen their cognitive skills, they can also improve the way they think, learn, read, and remember! 

Learn more about how one-on-one brain training can help your student—you can contact us at 866-BRAIN-01 or visit LearningRx online today.  

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