
My Fantabulous Brain is here!

National award-winning children’s author, counselor, and parenting expert Julia Cook, M.S. has partnered with LearningRx to create a new book, “My Fantabulous Brain.”

Why the book is needed:

For many children, learning doesn’t come easy. They have trouble focusing, struggle with schoolwork, and can’t make sense of instructions. It’s common for these challenges to cause internal struggles that lead them to question their abilities. In this new book, Cook helps children understand that they’re not alone in needing help—and there are tools that can make our brain stronger!

Book summary:

Wade doesn’t understand why things like spelling and math are so hard for him but easy for other kids. He can’t focus with all the things going on in his head and he worries that his brain doesn’t work properly. He’s about to give up when his Fantabulous Brain comes to the rescue. He learns that the tools in his “brain tool box” can give his brain a tune-up, making it stronger and more efficient. After visiting a brain trainer, he learns that he can work smarter, not harder, and he can accomplish anything he wants!

Where to buy it:

The book is available from most major sellers for $9.95. To learn more about the book, Julia Cook, or where to purchase it, visit https://ncyi.org/shop/landingpages/my-fantabulous-brain/

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