
Is online personal brain training right for your student?

Maybe you’ve looked into LearningRx personal brain training only to find that you don’t live near a center. Or perhaps your student just feels more comfortable at home, or you couldn’t attend in-person training due to scheduling conflicts. Whatever the reason, we have some good news: LearningRx now offers online brain training.

As with in-person brain training, we’ll still start your initial consultation with a discussion regarding any difficulties your student is experiencing, as well as training goals. You’ll learn how our programs work and we’ll answer any questions you have about brain training before scheduling a Brain Skills Assessment.

The Brain Skills Assessment

Led by a brain training director, this affordable test only takes about an hour to complete provides everyone with vital information about your student’s cognitive skills.

Your child will complete a series of activities that measure cognitive skills individually or as a set of skills. These activities allow us to measure the brain’s core learning and thinking skills and help us identify the root cause of any learning or thinking struggles that your student may be experiencing.

Our Brain Skills Assessment measures:

  • Attention — How well the brain concentrates on activities and tasks
  • Processing Speed — How quickly the brain processes new information
  • Working Memory — How well the brain retains short-term information
  • Long-Term Memory — How easily the brain retains important long-term information
  • Auditory Processing — How well the brain processes, analyzes, and imagines sounds
  • Visual Processing — How well the brain processes, analyzes, and imagines images
  • Logic & Reasoning — How well the brain reasons, forms ideas, and solves problems

Understanding the Results

In a one-on-one consultation, we’ll walk you through the results of the assessment. Here are three ways we interpret your student’s cognitive testing scores:

            Age-Equivalent Scores: These scores measure how well you or your child performed compared to average scores for different age groups. For example, a score of 12.1 years would represent a skill that’s performing at approximately a 7th grade level. Note that we do only include age-equivalent scores for learners under the age of 18.

            Standard Scores: These scores indicate how far above or below average a learner performs compared to a common scale. For example, the common scale for IQ is 100 points. A learner with an IQ score of 87 would have a score 13 points below average. A learner with an IQ score of 121 would have a score 21 points above average.

            Percentile Scores: These scores measure how you or your child performed compared to other learners in the same age group. A percentile score tells you what percentage of the general population the test-taker out-performed. For example, a 5th-grade student in the 84th percentile would have a higher score than 84% of all other 5th-grade students.

Your student’s unique brain training program

By mapping your student’s unique cognitive profile, we can identify which cognitive skills have the most room for improvement and can be targeted through brain training. Based on the results of the Brain Skills Assessment, we can create an individualized training plan for your student.

Although the sessions are conducted by video, your student will still be assigned a personal trainer throughout the duration of their program. Likewise, we’ll still use the key ingredients that make personal brain training such an effective tool for addressing the root cause of learning struggles, including intensity, focus, targeting, sequencing, immediate and accurate feedback, and regular practice.

When your student completes their full brain training program, we’ll conduct a second cognitive result to determine where brain training has improved cognitive skills and how significant the gains are.

Speaking of gains …

We encourage you to download a free copy of our Results Report to review the gains of 27,433 LearningRx graduates, collected over an eleven-year period.. The results include outcomes for kids and adults, as well as clients with learning differences (e.g., ADHD, dyslexia, autism, traumatic brain injuries).

When you’re ready to talk to someone about online options, visit https://www.learningrx.com/locations/ to find your nearest center’s phone number.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with Learning Rx!