
How Reading Help Can Improve Concentration

Strong reading skills can yield a lifetime of benefits. Reading is crucial for learning, understanding, and remembering—and it’s shown to be a stress reliever, too! For those who struggle with this ability, reading help programs can have an enormous impact, giving readers the chance to discover new ideas and new worlds. 

Reading isn’t just one singular skill. In fact, it requires overlapping skills that work in tandem—skills like decoding letters and letter combinations, recognizing words and their meanings, filtering out distractions, and retrieving specific details from memory.     

That means that when individuals struggle with reading, the type of reading support they need may vary dramatically. But whether they wish to work on core reading skills or more advanced reading comprehension, programs like LearningRx’s one-on-one brain training can help to strengthen skills at any age.

Let’s review how reading can benefit one main area of learning and thinking: concentration. We’ll also explore how one-on-one reading help programs can make a difference, too!

The Benefits of Reading and Reading Help

How Reading Affects Concentration

How do strong reading skills factor into concentration? Here are some of the pay-offs when it comes to reading and concentration:

  • Filtering out distractions.
    Reading requires deep immersion in the process as well as on the content being read. For strong readers, this means effectively filtering out distractions and focusing on the reading material.
  • Activating working memory.
    Working memory skills are needed to effectively decode words, retain details, and comprehend complex sentences and ideas. When students read frequently, it helps them activate their memory skills.  
  • Encouraging cognitive flexibility.
    Because reading isn’t just one skill but many different skills, it requires enormous cognitive flexibility. This makes it easier for learners to shift attention and concentrate deeply at will.

For those who struggle, reading help programs can make it easier to improve these valuable skills! Let’s take a look at how that works.

How Reading Help Can Strengthen Reading Skills

If your learner struggles with reading, whether they have a cognitive difference like dyslexia or face other challenges, it’s never too late to work on reading skills! In fact, here are just a few ways that reading programs can boost these abilities:

  • Personalized support.
    Different people struggle with different aspects of reading. Through one-on-one reading help, each learner can drill down on those areas that they find challenging, getting the focused support they need.
  • Working on specific skills.
    Reading involves many different skills—which often means strengthening each of those skills together and separately. This allows students to tap into their existing strengths while targeting previously challenging skills.
  • Time with the material.
    The more time learners spend on reading, the easier it can become. That’s because it can improve vocabulary, comprehension, and other key areas. With reading help programs, students get more exposure to reading as well as reading skills.

Personalized Reading Help with LearningRx

At LearningRx, our reading help programs are a fantastic way to work towards stronger reading skills! We welcome students of all ages, with a personalized approach that celebrates every learner’s unique abilities.

When it comes to reading, we offer two core programs:  

  • Through ReadRx®, we help new readers pick up core reading skills while focusing on enhancing these skills for older readers. Our programs mirror the way that humans naturally learn language, helping all ages tap into foundational reading skills.
  • Through ComprehendRx®, students can work on reading more deeply, quickly, and confidently. These skills allow learners to retain information, understand the material and underlying messages, and increase both reading speed and accuracy.

With our programs, kids, teens, and adults can all reap the many rewards of reading! We’re committed to helping every student re-discover their excitement for reading and learning.

Whether you need reading help with core skills or reading comprehension, explore brain training with LearningRx! Visit us online today, or contact 866-BRAIN-01 to find out more.

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