
How Does Homework Help Make Homework Easier?

Has homework become a nightly battle between you and your learner? After a full day of school, few students are hankering to return to their textbooks when they come home. But if completing assignments is a persistent problem, it may be time to consider homework help!

The pros and cons of homework have been a hot topic for decades. Some educators argue that homework allows students to cultivate vital skills while spending more meaningful time with class materials. Some researchers say that it causes stress and frustration without significant benefit to a learner’s grades.

Whatever side you land on in the great homework debate, homework isn’t going anywhere! With that in mind, let’s look at the function of this type of schoolwork, and how homework help can benefit your learner.

Understanding The Struggles and Importance of Homework  

3 Transferable Skills From Completing Homework

Finishing homework isn’t always easy, but it has tangible rewards that can benefit any learner well beyond the scope of school. When students finish their homework on a regular basis, here are a few of the skills that they’re learning to develop:

  • Independent learning.
    At its core, homework gets students to pursue learning away from the classroom. It can improve learners’ confidence and critical thinking skills while cultivating lifelong learning skills that students can draw on again and again.
  • Self-discipline.
    At any age, the act of completing homework relies on some level of self-discipline. Students must learn which strategies work for them, and be willing to persevere even when faced with difficulty—an enormously useful skill in life.
  • Organization and prioritization.
    Staying on-task and finishing homework every night means being organized with study materials and timelines. It also means knowing how to prioritize and set goals: skills that will come in handy frequently, in school, at home, and later during their professional careers.

If your learner is struggling, it’s possible they need additional support. Let’s look at why some students may benefit from homework help.

Why Learners May Need Homework Help

The root of homework struggles can be surprisingly wide-ranging. Sometimes, students are perfectionists, leaving themselves too little time to complete the work. Sometimes, it’s a symptom of greater challenges.

If your learner is grappling with homework unsuccessfully, here are a few common reasons that may be the cause:  

  • They feel overwhelmed.
    Sometimes, it feels like there are too many things to do and not enough hours in the day! It’s common for learners to get overwhelmed, and to ignore their homework as a result.
  • They lack some of the underlying learning skills.
    If students have been struggling with foundational skills like reading, that can significantly increase the difficulties they face with learning. That can extend to homework, too.
  • They have a cognitive difference.
    For students with learning differences, like ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or autism, these differences can all play a role in homework challenges. Furthermore, these challenges can present differently based on the symptoms they’re dealing with.

With one-on-one support, students can get the homework help they need! Let’s review how brain training can make a difference.

Honing Skills Through Our Homework Help Programs

At LearningRx, our homework help programs take a multi-pronged approach to providing support to learners of all ages. Through brain training, students focus on improving specific cognitive skills—like focus, logic, and short-term memory—which can help them tackle homework more effectively.

At the same time, we help students build practical strategies and healthy homework habits that lead to effective studying. These include skills like goal-setting, organization, creative thinking, and time management.

With a different approach for every learner, we dial into each student’s unique abilities and challenges, for more effective homework help. We’re dedicated to helping students get re-energized about thinking, learning, reading, and studying!

Learn more about how we get results through one-on-one brain training. To explore our homework help programs in more detail, contact LearningRx at 866-BRAIN-01 or visit us online today.

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