
Featured Guest is a LearningRx Parent of Graduates

Andrea Pollack, MS Ed, is the founder of Autism Parent Solutions and was a featured guest on the Brainy Moms podcast; and is a LearningRx parent of graduates. Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy Moore, and Teri Miller interview Andrea about what it was like leaving her career as a lawyer to homeschool her autistic son and unexpectedly learn about Andrea’s own LearningRx experience.

Near the end of her time homeschooling her son, Andrea enrolled him into a LearningRx program to help him gain more social skills and the confidence to learn in a typical learning setting.
“I also wanted him exposed to a more organized teaching environment, but in a way that he could handle it,” says Andrea. “He needed that one-on-one environment to help him and also for the specialist to really assess where he was on those skills.”

LearningRx programs are rooted in a one-on-one setting to help students master skills and get instant feedback from trainers. It’s instilled into the LearningRx methodology and has more benefits than those listed above.

She says, “So, he did that for about a year, and it was so good for him… And they loved him, and it was good for his self-esteem. He was learning; you could see it; it was measurable.”

Andrea even mentions how she offered the LearningRx experience to her neurotypical daughter, who is now an Ivy League graduate: “So, she did it in early high school, and I really did it because I thought it would just give her a boost in her skill and her confidence because the child can see their own growth and that feels really good for them.”

Andrea’s experience proves people on many different learning levels can benefit from a LearningRx program. After diving into studying for her son and autism, she also understood how specific interventions are specialized and unique and can’t always be done DIY.

Check out the entire episode with Andrea Pollack and the Brainy Moms HERE.

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