
Everyday Tips for Improving Your Brain

Did you know that living with stress, eating junk food, and embracing thesedentary life as a couch potato aren’t just bad for your mood andbody, they’re bad for your brain, too? This is the reason professionalswho deal with brain health often tout the benefits of exercise, eatingwell and reducing stress.

Your brain can benefit from other everyday things, as well. Laughter, forexample, releases stress and-if you’re laughing with a friend-is agreat way to connect with those around you. (Social connection is a keyindicator of brain health, and experts say that social interaction helpsbuild something called “cognitive reserve.”)

Getting plenty of sleep is also an everyday activity that is critical forbrain health because it’s when you are asleep that your brain solidifieslearning and makes recent memories permanent.

Christina Sevilla, center director of the LearningRx Brain Training Centersin Denver and Centennial, Colorado, provides a list of 10 tips for improvingthe health of your brain. She writes, “Often we think of brain fitnesstips as being activities like memory games, brain teasers and logic puzzles.All those things do work our brains, but other aspects of our health alsoeffect the efficiency and strength of our brains.”

Click on the link for all 10 tips in the article Everyday Tips for Improving Your Brain.

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