
Establishing Healthy Homework and Study Skills

If homework is a nightly challenge in your household, you’re not alone. For many students, the last thing on their mind after a long day at school is even more studying. But building healthy study skills, as well as cultivating homework habits, can have a long-term impact on learning and success. Better yet, one-on-one homework help from parents and professionals can be enormously impactful!  

Studying isn’t an innate skill, but it’s easy to believe that some learners have a natural aptitude for homework. The reality is homework habits and studying are abilities that are developed over time, either through conscious practice or related skill-building.

That means anyone can work on strengthening these skills, especially if they have dedicated homework help. Let’s explore the importance of homework habits, plus a few tips for improving the homework experience for parents and learners alike.

The Importance of Study Skills and Homework Help  

Why Healthy Homework Habits Matter

Learning to focus on homework can yield enormous benefits for any learner, not just in school, but in other areas of life, too. Here are a few benefits of good homework skills:  

  • Independent learning.
    When students build strong study skills, they can use these skills throughout their lives to learn, understand, and improve. It gives them a framework to learn deeply and independently. 
  • Self-reliance.
    Homework skills are closely tied to abilities like goal-setting, motivation, and organization. When learners become more comfortable with completing homework, they’re developing self-reliance, plus a powerfully useful set of life skills.
  • Positive self-image.
    If students spend enough time absorbing the material, it can dispel the anxieties around tests or schoolwork. Getting the right kind of homework help can grow their confidence in themselves and their abilities! 

Tips for Better Homework Help

Not sure what kind of homework help will do the trick for your learner? Here are a few tips to encourage better, more meaningful studying and learning:

  • Create routines.
    With consistent routines in place, homework never comes as a surprise. Set aside a specific time each day for homework or studying—after dinner for thirty minutes, for example.
  • Set an example.
    Kids pick up cues from the world around them. Use your child’s dedicated homework time to complete your own quiet tasks—bills, reading, or other work, setting an example for them to follow. It can also keep your child from feeling left out.
  • Make room.
    A quiet, distraction-free space can be important for tasks that require deep focus. It’s great if you can set aside a dedicated studying area—otherwise, the kitchen table or another location can do the trick.

That’s not all! For one-on-one homework help, you can also get support from the professionals at LearningRx. Let’s review what that looks like.

Fostering Healthy Habits through Brain Training

Good study habits form the basis of effective learning, and LearningRx can help! Through one-on-one brain training, we offer programs for homework help and studying help, taking a targeted approach to help each learner tap into new skills and abilities.

Through brain training, we work with kids, teens, and adults to improve cognitive skills. These skills—like memory, focus, and logic—help us to think, understand, remember, and retrieve information. Each student works with a dedicated brain trainer to hone their cognitive skills. As they improve, they can become more confident learners, readers, and students.

That’s not all. We also teach strategies for healthy homework habits and effective study skills, to encourage better note-taking, planning, goal-setting, and time management. When students strengthen their study and homework skills, they can use those abilities in school, at home, and later in life, too!

Find out how we enhance study skills through our homework help programs. To explore brain training with LearningRx, contact 866-BRAIN-01 or visit our website today.

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