
Can Tutoring Help with Neurodiversity?

When it comes to neurodiversity, learners and their parents can face an uphill battle in finding the right support. Whether you’re exploring tutoring or alternatives like brain training, it’s only natural to worry about your options.

Before you dive too deep into one type of support or another, it’s always helpful to remember that your learner’s needs should dictate the choice, if possible. Every cognitive difference—from ADHD to dyslexia—manifests differently for each learner, with corresponding challenges and strengths. 

With that in mind, you and your learner may want to sit down and talk through these questions:

  • What symptoms are most challenging for your learner?
  • Are there subjects in which they struggle more than others? 
  • Are there subjects where they excel?
  • Do they prefer independent learning or guided studying?

These questions — and others — will provide concrete details that you can consider when exploring tutoring, brain training, and other types of support. 

All About Tutoring and Neurodiversity

The Challenges of Tutoring and Neurodiversity

For those with cognitive differences, tutoring can sometimes be a mixed bag. That’s why it helps to have specific information about where your learner excels and where they struggle. This information can help you avoid these common challenges associated with tutoring:  

  • Setting the right pace.
    Those with cognitive differences often require more time to study and learn than neurotypical learners. If a tutoring program has a one-size-fits-all approach or doesn’t involve one-on-one learning, it can indicate that the program won’t set the right pace for your student.
  • Building self-esteem.
    You may want to be cautious of any programs that take a highly critical approach to learning differences. This can foster low self-esteem and create even more difficulty for your learner. It’s worth taking the time to find academic support that truly champions neurodiversity!  

How Brain Training Offers An Alternative  

Tutoring isn’t the only option when it comes to learning support. There’s also one-on-one brain training! At LearningRx, we’re committed to celebrating neurodiversity. We highlight the strengths and aptitudes of each learner while providing them with the support they need. 

Here are just a few things you can expect from brain training at LearningRx.

  • A customized approach.
    We get to know learners—not just those areas where they struggle, but where they excel, too. Then, we tailor a training program to suit each student’s needs and goals.
  • Flexible, interactive training.
    Throughout our programs, students work one-on-one with a dedicated brain trainer. We keep learners engaged with interactive, intense drills and games—and our one-on-one approach allows for optimal flexibility.  
  • Fostering confidence.
    We’re committed to helping each learner succeed on their terms! Through each program, learners are motivated and supported by their brain trainer, giving them the chance to build confidence and tackle new challenges.

A Brain Training Approach That Celebrates Neurodiversity

It’s always helpful to understand the difference between brain training and tutoring. While a tutor focuses on teaching — often teaching classroom material in a slightly different format than the teacher — brain training focuses on learning.

In other words, we help students work on the underlying skills needed for effective studying, reading, and learning. We take a strength-based approach that celebrates learners’ skills while making sure they have the support they need to face challenges head-on! We’re proud to celebrate neurodiversity in its many forms.

Learn more about the difference between brain training and tutoring—and how brain training champions neurodiversity. Contact 866-BRAIN-01 to discuss you or your learner’s needs, or visit us online to get more details.

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