
Can Brain Training Help With ADD/ADHD?

ADHD (also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADD) can be a rollercoaster for those who experience it. People with this neurodevelopmental disorder can often draw on enormous reserves of creativity, energy, and spontaneity. While at other times, they may find themselves drowning in disorganization, racing thoughts, and impulsive decisions. 

For learners with ADD or ADHD, there isn’t always one easy solution. Instead, different forms of support—including medication, therapy, organizational tools, and coping strategies—may be needed, often in tandem, to address the challenges of this condition. 

Brain training is one option that learners of all ages can turn to. As with other types of support, it’s not a cure for ADHD/ADD. It’s a tool to help cultivate better thinking and learning skills. 

Understanding how this tool works can help you decide if it’s a fit for your situation. Let’s take a closer look. 

Understanding ADD and ADHD Minds 

Common Challenges with ADD and ADHD

For those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, symptoms can vary significantly. That said, many common themes emerge when it comes to the challenges being faced. Here are three frequently experienced challenges: 

  • Managing motivation and focus. Paying close attention to complex details, staying focused during mundane tasks, and being motivated to complete work are all common difficulties. This can be a problem at school, at home, at work, and with friends. 
  • Organization, planning, and execution. Managing time and space can often be tough, including completing assignments on time or keeping living areas organized. This can then lead to frustration, anger, or anxiety. 
  • Self-esteem. Unsurprisingly, the frequent challenges that occur can deal a severe blow to self-esteem. Kids, teens, and adults with this condition may engage in frequent self-criticism, doubt themselves, or otherwise lack confidence. 

Taking A Strength-Based Approach 

Increasingly, educators, parents, and professionals are taking a strength-based approach for ADHD, ADD, and other cognitive differences. This allows individuals of all ages to celebrate their unique strengths and abilities while getting the support and strategies they need to take on any challenges. 

A strength-based approach also helps kids, teens, and adults understand that their abilities and skills aren’t set in stone. Just as they excel in certain areas, they can improve other skills through regular, dedicated practice. This understanding lies at the basis of brain training, too.  

All About Brain Training

What is brain training, and can brain training help with cognitive differences? 

Brain training isn’t that much different from personal training. With a personal trainer, individuals can improve their physical abilities, strengthen their muscles, and improve stamina. 

In a similar vein, one-on-one brain training focuses on cognitive skills. Through dedicated training programs, learners of all ages can target skills like: 

  • Working memory 
  • Logic and reasoning 
  • Auditory processing 
  • Visual processing 
  • Thinking speed 
  • Attention 
  • Long-term memory

When learners improve these skills, they can transform the way they think, learn, read, study, and remember. These are strengths that can be drawn on at all ages, throughout a student’s lifetime.  

How Can Brain Training Help?

For kids, teens, and adults with ADHD/ADD, brain training can be the ideal way to improve foundational cognitive skills. Here are a few benefits that can play a key role:  

  • Structure. Having a consistent routine and a structured environment can be enormously helpful for those with cognitive differences. With regular sessions every week, brain training provides that structure.
  • Challenge. It’s important to find the right level of challenge — enough to be stimulating without being daunting. With a “gameified” approach to skill-building, our custom training programs do exactly that.  
  • Instant feedback. Positive feedback and external motivation can be valuable tools to keep learners engaged. Our one-on-one brain trainers help clients stay on track and energized, making it easier to see positive gains in training. 

ADD and ADHD minds are capable of extraordinary things. With one-on-one training, learners can further hone their skills and strengths, discovering their unique capabilities. 

When you need support for ADD or ADHD, try one-on-one brain training! Start a discussion about you or your learner—to get started, contact 866-BRAIN-01 or visit us online today.  

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