
Are you a workaholic? How stress affects your brain

Today, July 5, is National Workaholics Day and according to Psychology Today nearly half of people (48%) identify as “workaholics.” Although the term may be somewhat subjective, there are some universally accepting signs that you may be a workaholic:

1. Working more than 40-50 hours a week

2. Difficulty setting boundaries related to work

3. Being glued to your work phone or computer during non-work hours

4. Working on national holidays (even if your office is closed) and well beyond office hours.

5. Getting comments family and friends that you’re regularly choosing work over important events or family bonding.

Working too much can take a toll on relationships, your body and your mental health. Workaholics tend to have a greater risk for marital issues, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression and insomnia. In addition, chronic stress can affect your cognitive skills, such as attention and memory, creating both short-term and long-term changes to the brain.

If you consider yourself a workaholic and are curious to learn if the stress has impacted your brain skills, we encourage you to schedule a Brain Skills Assessment. It only takes about an hour to complete, it’s very affordable, and it can show exactly which of your cognitive skills are weak and which are strong.

Simply find your nearest LearningRx Brain Training Center to get started!

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