
Why Do Summer Reading + Tips to Make It More Successful

Summer reading is an important activity that can have significant benefits for students. Not only does it help prevent the “summer slide” where students may experience a decline in academic skills during the summer months, but it also helps to enhance their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking abilities.

Maintain Reading Skills During Summer Break

One of the main reasons why summer reading is important is because it helps students maintain and improve their literacy skills. Studies have shown that students who don’t read during the summer months can experience a decline in reading abilities, which can have a negative impact on their academic performance in the upcoming school year.

Especially for kids who struggle with reading, this extra momentum and practice is invaluable to helping them gain some ground. Reading struggles don’t just go away with time; instead, they require targeted approaches to helping kids become more successful.

If you have a child who struggles with reading, any “pleasure” reading may feel more like a fight. But the fact is these are the kids who need it the most!

Develop a Love of Learning and Reading Outside of School

In addition to maintaining literacy skills, summer reading can also help students develop a love for reading and learning. When students read for pleasure during the summer, they may discover new interests and topics that they want to learn more about. This can help to foster a lifelong love of learning and encourage them to continue reading throughout their lives.

Summer reading can also provide students with new experiences and perspectives. By reading books from different genres and authors, students can gain a better understanding of different cultures, experiences, and viewpoints. This can help to broaden their horizons and develop their empathy and understanding of others.

It’s easy for kids to see reading as something they just have to do to get through school. Summer reading is a great opportunity to show the fun and enjoyment that can come from reading anything at any time!

Summer Reading Tips:

Since summer reading is such a valuable tool, it’s important to find ways to motivate your kids and get them excited about it. Here are some tips to make summer reading more doable (and fun!):

  • Set mini-goals (and celebrate them). Instead of just saying “you need to read 20 books this summer,” set a smaller daily or weekly goal. These shorter-term reinforcements will help your kids stay interested and engaged.
  • Choose funny books. Lots of times, kids think reading is boring. Show them it doesn’t have to be by checking out some funny books, or pieces related to their interests. Libraries are a great resource for this.
  • Do it as a family. Instead of just having a goal for your kids, engage parents (or grandparents, caregivers, babysitters, etc.) too! The more your child sees you reading for “fun,” the more interested they will be as well. Hold each other accountable for your summer reading goals throughout the season. Your kids will LOVE asking you if you’ve reached your page count, and it may just drive them to try to beat you by reading more!
  • Practice more than you push. Summer reading is not the time to try to read books that are hard or complicated for your kids. Even if it means going “back” a reading level, helping them learn to enjoy reading and practice their skills is valuable!

What if Summer Reading Doesn’t Go Smoothly?

Watch your child and really get a pulse on the ways they struggle and succeed with reading over the summer. Are you noticing patterns of struggle in your child? Whether it’s with motivation, decoding words, comprehension, or some other aspect, summer reading is a great time to really take a pulse on your child’s skills. You can experience firsthand the ways they struggle and succeed so you can know what to expect going into the next school year. 

Here are some summer reading red flags to watch for.

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