Students and tutor during tutoring services Tysons

Tutoring Services in Tysons: Creating A Foundation For Learning

When students face struggles in the classroom, having dedicated, one-on-one support can make all the difference. Tutoring services provide one form of support, but that’s not the only option—and it may not provide the results you’re looking for. At LearningRx Tysons, we offer hands-on, interactive support through one-on-one brain training.

Many learners experience lukewarm results with tutoring services, and that can be tough. But that’s often just a sign that a different type of support is needed! Often, what makes a difference is creating a strong foundation for learning, reading, and thinking. Here’s how LearningRx Tysons can help with that! 

Tutoring Services vs. Brain Training: How We Help

If an individual is ordinarily a strong student, tutoring services may offer the support they need to catch up. But for many other learners, it’s about building an initial foundation for stronger skills. Here’s how learners in Tysons have benefited from brain training programs:

  • Re-building an interest in learning. When students have a frustrating time in school, it can cause them to lose interest in learning. As they progress through one-on-one brain training, they can tap into existing strengths, discover new aptitudes, and regain their confidence and enthusiasm for learning! This kind of excitement is foundational to a lifelong interest in thinking and learning.
  • Strengthening underlying skills. For many learners, it’s not the subject material that’s a struggle—it’s the underlying skills required to comprehend, retain, and apply it. Those underlying skills, including logic and reasoning, visual processing, working memory, and attention, are what we work on strengthening through our customized training programs. By building on these skills, students can improve how they think, remember, read, and learn. 
  • Creating healthier habits for studying and homework. From note-taking to completing homework, many school-related tasks rely on having specific skills, strategies, and habits in place. Through programs like StudyRx®, learners can pick up specific strategies for better goal-setting, time management, organization, and motivation. They do that while honing the skills needed for more effective studying!

One-on-One Brain Training With LearningRx Tysons

When you’re seeking an alternative option to tutoring services, brain training can provide the results you’re looking for! We’re proud to work with students of all ages and abilities in:

  • Tysons
  • Falls Church
  • Oakton
  • Vienna
  • Arlington
  • McLean
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Learn more about the benefits of brain training versus tutoring services. To discuss your or your learner’s needs, just get in touch with LearningRx Tysons at (703) 462-9570.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Tysons!