
Build a Strong Cognitive Foundation & Make Sure Your Child Is Ready to Learn

Getting your child ready to learn in school requires lots of different areas of focus. Are they socially, emotionally, developmentally, and mentally ready for the challenges that are coming? We would argue that one of the most important areas that you can look at is your child’s cognitive abilities.

All learning requires cognitive skills, from recognizing letters to solving puzzles. Even the youngest kids continue to pass cognitive milestones that open up a new world of learning. For kids who are entering school-age, making sure their brain is primed and ready to learn can make the whole process less stressful and more rewarding.

Signs of Weak Cognitive Skills That May Make Learning Harder:

When your child heads to school, there is a lot they need to take in. Whether it’s Kindergarten and they’re just starting out or if they are in higher grades, there are some hallmark signs that cognitive skills may be making learning harder than it needs to be. Some of these include:

  • Struggling to sit still or focus
  • Getting distracted by anything and everything
  • Always asking “what should I do next?” instead of figuring it out on their own
  • Always being the last one to finish
  • Needing hand-holding to complete tests or assignments
  • Struggling with reading
  • Inability to organize their spaces, backpacks, rooms, desks, etc.
  • Constantly forgetting what they were told (whether it was 5 minutes ago or the day before) and needing reminders or redirection

All learners are unique. All cognitive skill profiles are different. That’s why a one-size-fits-all approach to helping kids learn doesn’t work. Instead, addressing your child’s individual strengths and weaknesses to help them reach their fullest potential is so important!

Fill Your Child’s Cognitive “Toolbox”

Here are some things you can do to help your child develop a strong cognitive foundation to make sure they are ready to learn effectively:

  • Read out loud! We know there is a massive benefit to reading to kids. The amount of time kids are read aloud to is one of the biggest indicators of lifelong literacy and academic success. 
  • Ask lots of questions. Help your child develop critical thinking, planning, and creative skills. When you’re reading or watching something together, ask them what they would do in a situation. Or brainstorm about what they think a character’s backstory may be. This is an important skill for reading comprehension, but it also builds cognitive abilities that will serve them well in school and beyond!
  • Make learning part of every day. Whether it’s learning how to load the dishwasher with you or reading instructions for a new game, let your child in on your life to show them how you use your cognitive skills daily. Practice this skill of learning new things together so school won’t be such a foreign concept to them.

What Do You Do If Your Child Struggles?

If school is a struggle for your child, you don’t need to just push through. You don’t need to “give it one more year to see if it clicks,” as many school systems recommend. Taking action early can prevent years of struggle down the road and allow your child to experience greater success!

Brain training takes a unique approach to learning struggles because it targets the root cause: weak cognitive skills. These skills impact every subject area, so if your child is struggling, this one intervention has far-reaching implications!

A strong cognitive foundation can set your child up to learn more effectively and easily so they get more out of their childhood education experience. We don’t want our kids to dread school, reading, tests, or any other area of learning. Instead, we want them to have the confidence to face whatever comes their way.

This is what brain training can give them. Students gain an average of 3.7 years in learning skills after LearningRx brain training! This step-up can be a huge confidence booster. Plus, it allows them to catch up (or surpass) their peers so they can gain any ground they may have lost.

If your child gets into the school year and is struggling, you don’t have to just figure it out on your own. We are here to help you give them the tools they need to make learning faster, easier, and more fun!

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Tysons!