LearningRx Atlanta - Buckhead News

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Deciphering Feedback from Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are a great way to get feedback about your student beyond just the grades you see on quizzes, homework, and report cards.  Depending on your child’s age, school, and the time of year, you may be able to learn about their standardized test scores, any academic progress or challenges they have, their behavior ...

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5 Surprising Facts About ADHD (And What They Mean for Your Student)

ADHD is often misunderstood. However, understanding some of the underlying causes and expressions of the disorder can be a major help for families facing this diagnosis! Here are five facts about ADHD that may surprise you: #1: Attention is NOT the weakest skill in most people with ADHD. Research has determined that in ADHD cognitive ...

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10 Ways to Ease the Transition to Middle School

Plenty of TV shows and movies have highlighted the social awkwardness that characterizes the transition to middle school. There’s a unique anxiety that comes from a perfect storm of first crushes, puberty, added academic responsibilities, and a constant pull toward independence.  So how can parents best support their recent elementary school graduates as they prepare ...

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10 Travel Games to Boost Cognitive Skills on Your Family Trip

If you’re heading out on a family trip this summer and want to keep your kids’ brains engaged in the car, at the hotel, or on the campsite, we’ve got some suggestions that span a variety of ages and interests. These travel games aren’t just about entertainment; they can actually help boost cognitive skills—the core ...

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10 Tips to Make Summer Reading More Fun

The concept of the “Summer Slide”—the loss of knowledge and academic skills over the long break from school—isn’t new. As far back as 1996, a comprehensive study about the phenomenon reported that kids lose significant gains in reading and math over the summer break. Worse still, those numbers are growing. Just check out these statistics ...

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Responding to a Bad Report Card (Without the Lecture)

If your child or teen has ever brought home a disappointing report card, you probably went through a range of emotions: anger, worry, fear—and perhaps even doubt about your parenting skills. And while emotions aren’t up for debate (they’re feelings, after all), how you respond to those feelings is well within your control. In fact, ...

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Family Game Night Picks to Boost Cognitive Skills

Looking for ways to connect as a family without more screen time (and also maybe keep everyone’s brains active and growing, too)? One simple and affordable solution: Family Game Night.  In addition to creating an opportunity for fun and family bonding, games require us to use a variety of cognitive skills, the core skills our ...

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8 Tips for Managing Homework

Even the smartest students can feel overwhelmed at the thought of sitting down to complete nightly projects, assignments, or test prep. However, managing homework doesn’t have to be the source of frustration, tears, and friction that many families experience! To help ensure you’re doing everything within your control to manage homework and lessen the pain ...

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Math Struggles? Get the 411 on Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia may sound like a fancy term, but it really just translates to “county badly.” The neurological disorder includes specific and persistent challenges in learning or comprehending mathematics, regardless of intelligence or motivation. In fact, even very smart people can have math struggles! And it’s not just about adding or multiplying numbers. People with dyscalculia ...

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Supporting Brain Health: 10 Tips to Stay Sharp

Don’t think of focusing on brain health as a New Year’s resolution. Nearly 80% of people who set New Year’s resolutions lose their resolve by mid-February. Instead, look for gradual ways to make small changes to improve your brain that will help improve your mental health, memory, attention, and sleep.  Need some ideas? We’ve got ...

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