Find ADHD Help in Sandy Springs

For those with ADHD, it can feel like a superpower at times—one that boosts creativity, curiosity, and enthusiasm. But ADHD can also make it harder to prioritize, filter out distractions, or control impulses. That’s where dedicated ADHD help can be a game-changer. For learners in Sandy Springs, LearningRx Atlanta – Buckhead offers help through brain training!

We champion neurodiversity while helping those with ADHD tap into new strengths and abilities. Through one-on-one brain training programs, learners target and exert cognitive skills through games and drills. As they advance, they can change the way they think, learn, and remember!

With a different approach for every learner, we help clients target those skills where they struggle most. Our brain training methods and programs draw on 35+ years of research and practice in cognitive development. With dedicated training, we’re dedicated to helping every student get excited about learning again!

Tap Into New Skills With Brain Training!

ADHD manifests differently for different learners. That’s why we always tailor each program based on the needs, abilities, and growth areas of each client in Sandy Springs. Starting with a comprehensive Brain Skills Assessment, we get to know every learner in detail before creating their unique brain training program.

Through one-on-one brain training, students can work on honing specific cognitive skills. That includes skills tied to ADHD challenges, like focus and working memory. Each learner is paired with a brain trainer who understands their needs. Through dynamic, intense sessions, learners test and exert their skills. Brain trainers keep them focused and motivated while helping them tackle new challenges! 

As students make gains, they can build a stronger foundation for learning and thinking! For those who need ADHD help in the Sandy Springs area, but who’ve struggled with tutoring or classroom studies, brain training can offer a new way forward. We encourage those with ADHD to celebrate their unique talents while helping them discover their incredible potential!

Get Started With ADHD Help in Sandy Springs

Kids, teens, and adults can all benefit from one-on-one brain training! We offer ADHD help for all ages, welcoming students from:

  • Sandy Springs
  • Marietta
  • Atlanta
  • Dunwoody
  • Brookhaven
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Students with ADHD who’ve completed a LearningRx program have seen significant gains in key cognitive skills, including a marked increase in attention skills. They’ve also reported gains in self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. We help learners of all ages find their strengths and stand out!

(Results are based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)

Find out more about how brain training can offer ADHD help! Learners in Sandy Springs can contact LearningRx Atlanta – Buckhead at (404) 252-7246.

Get Started with Brain Training Today!

Contact Your Local Brain Training Center to Book an Assessment.