
Addy’s Love for Reading!

LearningRx Tutoring

Addy has not always loved to read, in fact, she hated reading and school just a few months ago.  This caused her parents to seek reading help and they were considering a neuropsych but heard great things about LearningRx.  They decided to have Addy complete an initial assessment.  Their story is below:

“At a very young age, Addy loved reading.  However, this started to change as she started struggling in kindergarten.  We would repeat and repeat information to Addy, but things did not stick. She could not retain it.  She would act like it was the first time she saw the information. Addy was also easily overwhelmed with multi-step directions or too much information. Despite our efforts to expose her and drill her on the alphabet for 2 ½ years prior to her starting school, she still only knew 13 letters. They also worked hard on this in school, but she had not made any gains and started hating school and learning. 

We had heard about LearningRx and had her tested.  Everything started to make sense as to why Addy was struggling to read. Addy tested low in processing speed (why she was getting overwhelmed with directions), short-term and long-term memory (why she couldn’t retain information), and auditory processing (why she struggled to decode and blend sounds).

Addy recently completed her LearningRx training, and our life has been completely changed. Within a few weeks, she was understanding directions better and starting to remember things easier. She was completing tasks easier.  Her teacher was noticing big improvements and Addy even started helping other classmates who were struggling!

By the halfway mark she knew all her upper- and lower-case letters.  She is passing her spelling test and can sound out words. Addy now begs us to sit down so she can read to us.   Prior to LearningRx Addy was convinced she would never be able to read.  We cannot thank LearningRx enough!”

At LearningRx, our clients typically achieve significant reading gains because we identify and address the root cause of reading struggles.  In fact, there was peer-reviewed research published in the journal Psychology and Behavior Management (https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S397665 ) last year related to our work with over 3,500 clients in the 25thpercentile or lower in their reading skills. 

The research shows that in 24 weeks, we average a 4.1-year gain across five key reading skills, a 5.5 year gain in phonetic decoding, a nearly 6 year gain in phonological processing, and a 2.2-year gain in spelling.  

Rather than focus on more summer tutoring or summer school, call LearningRx in Woodbury to find out how you can address the root cause of reading struggles and get the reading help your child needs.  You don’t need to settle for reading difficulties year-after-year.  

Call LearningRx in Woodbury today to schedule an initial assessment and start the journey toward stronger reading!

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Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Woodbury!