LearningRx Woodbury News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Noah’s Academic Struggles

Noah’s academic struggles in reading, comprehension, writing and math led his parents to seek help. His test scores were low and his parents were looking for reading and math help as well as ways to improve reading comprehension and writing. They considered tutoring, but it seemed like more of the same that hadn’t been working in school. A friend ...

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Questions to Ask in Parent/Teacher Conferences

It is time for parent/teacher conferences, and it is important to to ask helpful questions to make these sessions productive and identify potential learning struggles.  Below are questions to ask in parent/teacher conferences to help you gain insights into your child’s performance: If you often dread going to your child’s teacher conference because you consistently receive ...

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Help with Dyslexia and ADHD

Parker was really struggling and his parents were looking for help as he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia.   His school experience was difficult as he had a hard time focusing and staying on task and reading was a struggle.   His parents had tried several tutoring options, and Parker had an IEP where he was pulled ...

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Addressing the Root Cause of Attention Issues

Mary’s parents were focused on addressing the root cause of attention issues. She is a fun, enthusiastic 1st grader who was struggling.  The first step for Mary was to complete a cognitive skills assessment which identified the root cause as to why she was struggling.  Not surprising, her main cognitive weaknesses were in working memory, processing speed and ...

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Warning Signs of Learning Struggles to Watch For

We are now several weeks into the new school year, and it is important to know the warning signs of learning struggles to watch for in your child.  It is ideal to look for these warning signs so any learning struggles can be addressed early in the school year. Below are several warning signs to look ...

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Reasons Kids Struggle with Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a critical task, and there can be many reasons kid struggle with reading comprehension, especially as they advance to the higher grade levels.  For example, it is often said that up until 2nd grade, students are learning to read.  Once a child enters third grade and beyond, they are now reading to learn.  However, reading comprehension ...

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Why Does My Child Hate School? Understanding the Underlying Causes of Poor Motivation

“I hate school!” This is difficult to hear from your child. You want them to succeed, to participate, and to enjoy learning. But when they are struggling in this way, understanding the underlying causes of poor motivation can be difficult. If your child dreads going to school, it’s important to understand why and what you ...

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Discerning the Best Options for ADHD Help

Discerning the best options for ADHD help can be overwhelming.  In a recent study, the CDC estimates that 11.3% of school aged children are diagnosed with ADHD.  ADHD is also the most common diagnosis we work with at LearningRx as we have trained thousands of children and adults with the diagnosis in the last several years. The below ...

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From Reading Frustration to Reading For Fun

Ryder recently completed his LearningRx training and saw big jumps in his reading skills.  Ryder went from reading frustration to reading for fun. His mom wrote, “We LOVE Learning Rx!! Our oldest child attended a couple years ago when he was in first grade, and we saw great gains with his reading and memory skills. ...

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Early Reading Struggles?  What the Research Says About Delaying Reading Interventions

When your child is struggling to learn to read, you may be told “just give it time, your child will read when they are ready.” However, this can be a dangerous assumption that leave kids to struggle longer than necessary. Rather than waiting for reading to click, being proactive about building reading skills is the key ...

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