
How to Finally Get Reading to “Click” for Your Struggling Student

If you’re a parent of a struggling reader, you know how frustrating and demoralizing it can be to see your child struggle with a skill that is so essential to their success in school and in life. You’ve probably tried everything from tutoring to special programs in school, but nothing seems to get reading to “click” for your child.

According to the 2022 Nation’s Report Card, only 32% of Virginia’s 4th graders performed proficiently in reading, compared to 43% in 2017. Essentially, kids are falling behind—and even though schools are doing their best, for most of our kids, it’s not enough.

But what if there was a solution that could finally help your child break through their reading struggles and unlock their full potential? What if this could be the year that reading finally “clicks” for your child?

The Role of Cognitive Skills in Reading

Reading is not just a single skill, but a complex process that involves multiple cognitive skills. These skills include phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, but there is a critical foundation that most other reading interventions miss. 

These skills work together to enable us to understand, interpret, and remember written language, but understanding how your brain works more generally is critical to unlocking reading struggles.

Before you can address these higher-level reading skills like fluency and comprehension, you need a strong foundation of skills like:

  • Attention
  • Auditory Processing
  • Memory
  • Processing speed
  • Logic
  • And visual processing

These are the foundational cognitive skills your brain uses to interact with the world—including for reading. 

However, for many students, one or more of these cognitive skills may be underdeveloped or weak, which can lead to difficulty with reading. This is why traditional reading programs and interventions often fail to produce lasting results. They focus on teaching reading skills without addressing the underlying cognitive skills that support them.

The Benefits of Brain Training

At LearningRx, we believe that brain training is the key to getting reading to “click” for students who struggle. Our personalized, one-on-one brain training programs are specifically designed to target the underlying cognitive skills that are essential for learning. Then, we follow up with a systematic and science-based approach to build confidence, fluency, and comprehension.

This approach makes sure your child’s foundation is strong. This way, no matter the context, they can grow in confidence and skill as readers.

Get Reading to “Click”: Past Results from Brain Training

Clients have experienced an average of 3.6 years’ gain in reading skills as a result of our one-on-one brain training approach. This is a HUGE jump that can takes as little as 6 months!

No two brains are exactly alike in their strengths and weaknesses. That’s why we tailor each program to each individual learner to target their unique cognitive skill weaknesses. This individualized root-cause approach to reading intervention is unlike anything else you’ll find! 

Click here to learn more about our science-backed reading program and how to get started with brain training.

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