
4 Family Resolutions to Set for the New Year

What if you weren’t on your own to stick to this year’s New Year’s resolutions? Setting individual goals can absolutely be helpful, but family resolutions can be a powerful way to connect, hold each other accountable, and have some fun together in the new year. Here are 4 family resolution ideas to get you started:

Start a Weekly Ritual Where You Can Connect Intentionally

Whether it’s a family movie night, a family game night, or some other activity, commit to setting aside a weekly time to relax together and have some intentional connection. Setting this expectation can make this day something everyone looks forward to throughout your otherwise busy schedule!

Get Outside Daily

Daily fresh air and sunshine can help the whole family have better moods (and stronger brains)! Some of the benefits of daily outside time include:

  • Boosting serotonin release (helping with your mood, energy, and focus)
  • Stronger bones 
  • Better immune health
  • Healthier skin
  • And more!

You may think you don’t have time to get outside, but think of some simple ways to make this switch in your already established routines. For example, could you take a phone call outside instead of in your office? Could your kids do homework outside instead of at the kitchen table? Could you eat one meal a day outside (weather permitting)? 

Even when weather is cold, the benefits of sunlight and fresh air are powerful for the whole family.

Set a Family Reading Goal

Reading is one of those things that does a TON for your brain! Research shows that regular reading helps keep your brain sharper for longer. And for kids, its benefits are incredible. As one researcher puts it, “The act of reading, particularly engaged reading, as opposed to the mechanics of reading, is a powerful predictor of life success by any measure. It is the best predictor of who goes to university regardless of socio-economic background.”

We think of reading goals over the summer, but what if this year you established a year-long family reading goal? Commit to a certain number of books (individually and together) and come up with a fun way to track your progress—and celebrate when you meet your goal!

Even though this spans all year, some of our summer reading tips may still help keep your family motivated. Click here to check them out >>

Fill a Gratitude Journal

We are past Thanksgiving, so for a lot of families the practice of regularly asking each other what you’re thankful for is over until next November. Instead of just having this be a focus one month out of the year, what if you committed to filling a gratitude journal as a family over the next year?

This can be a daily(ish) ritual where you all put someone or something you’re thankful for in the journal. Then once you fill it up, do something fun to celebrate meeting your goal! The benefits of gratitude for kids and adults alike are far-reaching for your mood, mental health, and ability to thrive in the world we live in.

Check out some more tips for taking gratitude beyond Thanksgiving here! 

Bonus: Commit to Building Brain Skills

If you have a child who struggles in school, what if this could be the year where you team up to help them gain some ground? Building brain skills can be a family affair that brings you closer together and builds confidence and resilience. If you want to take the first step towards stronger memory, better focus, easier reading, and greater confidence, contact us today to learn more!

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