Brain Training in NWA South

As challenging as autism can be at times, neurodiversity is a gift in many other ways! Some of the world’s greatest artists, inventors, and thinkers are on the spectrum, and many credit their success to their unique mental makeup. With the right skills, strategies, and resources, anyone can thrive with autism. That’s why it’s so important to find the right kind of Brain Training for kids and adults on the spectrum!

At LearningRx, we have 35+ years’ experience providing help to clients with autism. In fact, one out of every 20 LearningRx graduates has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) before starting brain training!

While brain training isn’t a treatment for autism, it may help individuals with autism improve core cognitive skills. These include skills used for:

  • Learning
  • Reading & writing
  • Socializing
  • Focus & concentration
  • Memorization
  • Mental processing
  • And more!

Our experience shows how brain training programs have helped kids, teens, and adults on the autism spectrum. Between 2010 and 2021, kids and teens with an ASD diagnosis improved learning and thinking skills by 3.2 years on average after brain training with LearningRx! During the same period, adult clients with autism made similar across-the-board gains in cognitive skill.

(Results based on past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)

Brain Training & Autism

Custom Plans for Learners with Autism

At LearningRx, we help students with autism work on core learning and thinking skills. For kids and adults on the spectrum, it’s common to have difficulties in one or more of these core areas. This can contribute to problems at home, at school, or at work, making it harder for those with autism to navigate the world around them.

Before we start training, we conduct a Brain Skills Assessment for every client. This way, we can map out each learner’s existing strengths, while also identifying skills that brain training may be able to improve. We then create a one-of-a-kind training plan based on this Assessment and the learner’s history.

Our one-of-a-kind training plans are a critical part of our approach to Brain Training. After all, no two people with autism think the exact same way or have difficulties in the exact same areas!

By customizing our training plans, we embrace the neurodiversity that characterizes autism. More importantly, this approach allows us to tailor brain training to each learner’s individual needs.

One-on-One Training for Core Brain Skills

LearningRx targets learning and thinking for individuals with autism through brain training.

We start by pairing each student with a dedicated brain trainer, who leads the student through one-on-one training sessions. During each session, the student performs a series of cognitive games, drills, and exercises. These activities act as a mental workout, targeting and strengthening the brain’s core learning and thinking skills. 

By targeting the right skills and building them in the right order, students with autism have made significant improvements in these areas. Our unique approach to Brain Training allows students to develop new abilities, unlock hidden talents, and take advantage of their unique mental makeup!

Brain Training or Autism Tutoring?

Kids and teens with autism sometimes have trouble with school or with specific subjects. In response, parents often turn to a tutor – or even an autism tutoring service. While this can be helpful for some students, others see little benefit from tutoring.

One reason for this is that autism tutoring is focused on delivering subject matter. Students can spend more time with the material, but tutoring won’t change their underlying learning and thinking skills.

Brain training takes the opposite approach to Brain Training, focusing on the skills that students need in the classroom – as well as other parts of their lives.

By helping kids and teens with autism develop new learning and thinking skills, brain training has been a game-changer for many students on the spectrum.

Find Brain Training with LearningRx!

Finding help with autism shouldn’t be a challenge. Whether you’re the parent to a student on the spectrum or an adult with an ASD diagnosis, LearningRx makes it easy to get started with Brain Training.

To learn more about our brain training programs, simply contact us for an initial conversation. Following a Brain Skills Assessment, we can work with you to develop a custom training plan for you or your child.

Ready to find Brain Training for you or your child? Contact LearningRx today to get started!

Disclaimer: LearningRx helps clients with autism by targeting and training cognitive skills used for learning and thinking. Please note that we cannot diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and brain training is not a treatment or cure for autism.

Get Started with Brain Training Today!

Contact Your Local Brain Training Center to Book an Assessment.