
Research shows Improved Memory in Adults after Brain Training

As you get older, it’s common to explain away a fading memory as a “normal part of life.”

Names, dates, where you put your keys, how to get to your cousin’s house, what that book you just read was about—a variety of miniscule or important details begin to get harder and harder to hold onto.

Just like other skills, strengthening your memory can keep it sharper for longer! Investing some time and energy into the health of your brain can improve your quality of life and protect your memory, decision-making skills, and thinking.

What Are the Two Kinds of Memory?

Your memory is split into 2 main categories: long term and short term (or working).

Long term memory is your brain’s ability to reach into its stored files and retrieve information you learned in the past. While some opinions differ, most experts agree that anything over 5 minutes ago relies on long term memory for accurate recall.

Short term (or working) memory is your ability to hold onto information while you’re in the process of using it.

Weaknesses in either (or both) of these areas can make your life significantly harder.

How Can You Strengthen Your Memory?

Put simply, the best way to strengthen your memory is to use it.

Keep learning new things. Do puzzles. Read books. Play games. Challenge your memory daily with simple tasks. Keeping your brain active and continuing to store new information is the best way to maintain your mental sharpness as an adult.

But if even these things sound daunting or unenjoyable, it may be because you have some cognitive weaknesses that are holding you back. Cognitive skills don’t go away when you are an adult… In fact, many clients we see report that they struggled as a child or teen and these issues just got worse with time.

This is because you don’t “grow out of” cognitive skill weaknesses. And when you factor in stress, age-related cognitive decline, and other health factors, many adults feel that their memory and mental sharpness drop significantly in a short amount of time.

What Does the Research Say?

At LearningRx, we’ve done extensive research on how the brain works and how to strengthen cognitive skills.

Cognitive skill training is supported by an ever-increasing research backing that suggests it can not only improve your memory, but also strengthen your brain’s plasticity (ability to adapt, grow, and change) as well as your quality of life and mental outlook.

In a recent study, the rate of cognitive decline decreased AND memory improved in adults over 50 after completing LearningRx training. fMRI scans confirm that there were visible changes in brain connectivity that correlated with changes in performance on tasks and assessments.

So what does this mean?

Your brain has the ability to grow, change, make new connections, and get stronger no matter your age, and brain training is an efficient and effective way to bring about more growth in a short amount of time!

Click here to read more relevant research on the benefits of brain training.

What Do Our Clients Say?

Check out this testimonial video from a 56-year-old in Charlottesville who completed a LearningRx brain training program. She came to her center complaining of memory loss and walked away after only 12 weeks with confidence!

It’s Not Too Late

If you are worried about your memory or are beginning to wonder if the fog you’re feeling is just something you need to deal with, contact us today.

When you call, we’ll walk you through how to set up a cognitive skills assessment so we can get a gauge as to your current memory and brain skill function. Then, we’ll work with you to create a customized plan to hone in on your biggest areas of concern so you can walk away confident in your brain’s ability to thrive in the years ahead!

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Harrisonburg!