
Summer Slide: How Much Learning Do Kids Really Lose Over the Summer?

Summer break is often considered a time for children to relax, play and enjoy the outdoors. However, many parents and educators worry that the extended break from school can result in a loss of academic skills and knowledge that children gained during the school year. This phenomenon is commonly known as the “summer slide”. Let’s explore how much learning kids really lose over the summer and what parents and educators can do to mitigate the impact.

How Bad Is the Summer Slide?

The summer slide is a well-documented phenomenon, and research has shown that children can lose between one to three months of academic progress over the summer break. This loss of learning is particularly evident in math and reading skills, which are essential foundations for future academic success. The impact of the summer slide is especially pronounced for children from low-income families, who are less likely to have access to educational resources and enrichment opportunities over the summer.

So, how much learning do kids really lose over the summer? The answer varies depending on the child’s age, academic level, and the level of support they receive during the break. According to studies, students in grades two through nine lose an average of 25-30% of their school-year learning over the summer. However, the impact of the summer slide is more significant for younger students who are still developing essential academic skills. Kindergartners and first-graders can lose up to 50% of their reading and math skills over the summer.

How Can You Prevent the Summer Slide?

The summer slide is a significant concern for parents and educators alike, but there are many ways to mitigate its impact. The most effective approach is to encourage children to continue learning and exploring over the summer break. This doesn’t have to look like boring worksheets. Instead, some fun summer learning ideas could be:

  • Participating in summer reading (like THIS program we are running in 2023!)
  • Practicing math skills in real-life situations (like handling cash at the snack bar at the pool, playing math games, or baking)
  • Having a family game night. These are great opportunities to practice learning skills, learn how to win (and lose) graciously, and develop connections.

Click here for more screen-free options to keep your child’s brain active all summer >>

Brain Training to Prevent Summer Learning Loss

The summer slide is a real concern for children’s academic progress. It’s frustrating to parents and students alike when they seem to regress over the summer months, and the same frustrations tend to repeat themselves in the next school year. 

What if instead of having to react in the fall with more accommodations, tutors, and support, you were able to take a proactive approach? What if instead of waiting to see how it goes, you could know that your child’s brain is getting stronger, faster, and making learning easier?

This is what brain training provides! 

Rather than content-based tutoring, brain training focuses on the skills your brain uses to process information and learn any subject area. Skills like working memory, processing speed, attention, logic, and auditory processing dictate how you’re able to learn and remember (or not).

Building these skills is one of the most powerful things you can do to set your child up for success through this summer and beyond!

Click here to learn more about what makes brain training so unique and effective.

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