
New Year = New Hope…and a New Approach to Your Child’s Learning Struggles

Welcome 2023! The past two years have certainly been interesting, and I’m excited for the possibilities the new year will bring!

If your child has been struggling in school, the new year could bring the opportunity to overcome their difficulties! But for change to happen, most students can’t continue only with the same approaches they used in the past—such as school interventions, accommodations, and tutoring—and expect a different outcome.  

It’s time to try a different approach: one that addresses the root cause of your child’s learning difficulties, rather than focusing on the symptoms.  

The LearningRx approach may be different than you’re used to, but it is tried and true. In fact, we’ve trained over 100,000 clients and have a significant amount of peer-reviewed, published research that all tells the same story (https://www.learningrx.com/brain-training-research/)

LearningRx training works…and it can be life-changing.

What does it mean that we address the root cause of learning struggles? Let’s look at two of the most common areas we help with—reading and attention struggles.

A New Approach to Reading Struggles

When a child experiences ongoing reading struggles, the root cause is typically a combination of weaker cognitive skills like auditory processing, visual processing, or long-term memory:

  • Auditory processing skills are needed to be able to decode and sound out words.
  • Visual processing skills help you differentiate one letter or word from another.
  • Memory is critical for word recognition, spelling, and reading comprehension.  

The typical approach to reading help is to tutor the child or pull them out of class for extra help. But these strategies are usually focused solely on doing more reading. While this can help somewhat, it never addresses the root issue causing your child to struggle with reading in the first place. Unless you dig down to the root cause, your child will need continual tutoring and extra help year after year.

LearningRx’s programs focus on the root causes of a student’s learning difficulties. We have two programs to help struggling readers: ReadRx, which helps to build basic reading skills; and ComprehendRx, which focuses on improving reading comprehension.

And the results of our programs speak for themselves. For example, LearningRx training averages a 3-year gain in Word Attack…which is a huge jump in reading skills! And because we get to the root cause of their learning struggle, the gains your child achieves are long-lasting.

A New Approach to Attention Issues/ADHD

Recent published research shows that the root cause of attention issues is often related to poor cognitive skills like processing speed, memory, or auditory processing. 

For example, if a child has slow processing speed, they have to work much harder to keep up with a lecture or read a textbook, and they aren’t able to sustain attention or tune out distractions. 

LearningRx’s one-on-one brain training addresses these factors. Using mental exercises and games, brain training targets the cognitive skills needed to strengthen attention skills. 

At LearningRx, we help students with ADHD in a similar way, working to address the root cause of their attention issues so they can better stay on task and tune out distractions. Our personalized training plans help each learner harness their existing abilities and discover new aptitudes.

Lean on LearningRx To Address Your Child’s Learning Struggles in 2023

If you’ve been searching for a way to help your child with their learning struggles, LearningRx in Eagan could be the solution you’re looking for. Our programs have helped thousands of students strengthen their cognitive skills to improve reading, attention, and more. Not only does this help them improve school performance, it also enhances their daily lives.

Not sure if brain training is right for your child? Take our free brain quiz, then contact us to learn more and get started with brain training.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Eagan!