
5 Indoor Exercises to Help Keep Your Brain Sharp This Winter

It is well recognized that physical activity and mental sharpness are deeply connected. This is true for all ages, but especially for those who are growing older and want to protect their mental sharpness as long as possible. As the weather turns cooler and many of us become less active, here are 5 types of indoor exercises to boost your brain power through the winter months. (And they’re easy to get the whole family involved!)


Of all the indoor exercises, this may be the most fun. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy or formal. Turn on some music and get your body moving by dancing every day!

According to research, dancing not only reduces stress and improves your mood, but it also “helps develop new neural connections, especially in regions involved in executive function, long-term memory, and spatial recognition.”

In addition, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that regular dancing reduced risk of dementia by 76% (that’s even more than reading!)

This is an easy way to involve the whole family in some physical activity that is also great for your brain.

Use a Standing Desk

This is a passive form of “exercise,” but it still counts! Standing up improves blood circulation to key areas of your brain that are involved in visual processing, memory, focus, and problem-solving. Plus, standing helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels (a major factor in memory and learning)!

Spending even part of your day standing when you normally would be sitting can help gradually increase the amount of physical activity you do daily. It doesn’t have to be for work either – stand while you scroll social media, read a book, type an email, or do any other basic activities!


Learning new skills helps build new neural connections that translates into better memory and thinking skills at any age. One study found that senior adults who did yoga experienced improved verbal and spatial memory.

Yoga and breathwork are great ways to manage stress, engage your body, and support clearer thinking at any age: Tune into a kids’ yoga YouTube channel. Modify the activities to chair yoga for people with limited mobility. Or push yourself to try something new from the comfort of your home this winter!

Resistance Training

One of the key areas your brain changes as you get older is the shrinking of your hippocampus. This is a primary part of your brain involved in memory and learning. One study found that consistent weight or resistance training prevents shrinking of the hippocampus in older adults.

These don’t have to be massive barbells or intense sessions of training. Even gentle, lower-weight options still bring great benefits to your brain health.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is the most common when you think of types of workouts that benefit your whole body, and your brain is no exception. Walking, running, swimming, elliptical machines, rowing machines, etc. all improve whole-body circulation in a way that continues to fuel your brain at any age.

While these types of exercise may be harder during the winter months, some simple indoor exercises include:

  • Walking around your home or office while you’re on the phone
  • Taking occasional trips to the gym with a friend instead of grabbing a drink or dinner after work
  • Jump rope or do jumping jacks
  • Take the stairs whenever possible!

Keep Your Brain Sharp

Whether you’re 5 or 95, making sure your brain is healthy and thriving is important to the quality of your life. If you find yourself or your child consistently falling behind, struggling to stay engaged, forgetting things often, or feeling like you’re losing your edge, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Our programs are similar to personal fitness routines, but for your brain. We target cognitive skills that act like muscle groups to help you think, learn, and remember efficiently. If one of these areas is weak, your whole brain will struggle more than necessary. Click here to learn more about our brain training program options!

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