LearningRx Charlottesville News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Is It a Phase or Is It a Learning Disability?

Every parent knows that school can be challenging at times. A rough day, a difficult subject, or even adjusting to new routines can lead to temporary struggles. But what if your child’s learning difficulties are persistent? How do you know if it’s just a phase or if something more serious, like a learning disability, is ...

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8 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher to Identify Potential Learning Difficulties

As a parent, it can be tough to shake the worry that something might not be quite right with your child’s learning. Maybe they seem to be falling behind, or perhaps they’re struggling with tasks that should be easier by now. If you’ve noticed any red flags, one of the best places to start is ...

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Bad ADHD Advice: Things You Should Never Say to Someone with ADHD

When it comes to ADHD, well-meaning advice can often do more harm than good. ADHD is a complex neurological condition, not a matter of laziness, lack of discipline, or simply needing to “try harder.” Misunderstandings about ADHD lead to advice that, while perhaps offered with good intentions, misses the mark entirely.  Here’s some ADHD “advice” ...

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3 Dangerous Homeschool Narratives and Brain-Based Alternatives to Set Your Kids Up for Success

Homeschooling is a great option for many families to individualize education, foster connection with your kids, and experience learning in a more organic, fun environment. But there have been several homeschool narratives that have become prominent over the last several years that are actually problematic. These are ideas or principles that are parrotted by influencers ...

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How ADHD Brain Differences Impact Thinking and Learning

As a parent of a child or teen with ADHD, you’ve likely noticed how their unique brain can lead to challenges in school and daily life. ADHD isn’t just about being hyperactive or easily distracted—it’s about real, documented differences in the brain that affect how a person thinks, learns, and processes information. Understanding these differences ...

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The Truth About IEPs and Accommodations: Are They Really the Right Solution for Your Struggling Student?

As parents, we want to give our children every opportunity to succeed. When school becomes a struggle, it’s only natural to seek out solutions that can ease their path. For many students, that solution comes in the form of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or classroom accommodations. These tools are designed to provide support, level ...

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Ways Your Brain Changes in Midlife (and How to Keep Your Edge)

As we age, our bodies and minds undergo a series of changes, many of which are simply part of the natural aging process. Midlife, often considered to be the period between ages 40 and 65, brings about significant changes in our brains. Understanding these changes and adopting strategies to maintain cognitive health can help you ...

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Strategies to Build Resilience & Help Your Kids Be Mentally Strong

Equipping children with the mental resilience they need to handle challenges is equally important as filling their academic toolbox. Resilience, or the ability to bounce back from adversity, helps kids navigate the ups and downs of all areas of life, from academic pressures to social dynamics. Here are some effective strategies to help your child ...

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6 Executive Functioning Skills All Kids Need to Master to Be Confident, Independent Learners

As parents and educators, we all want our children to become confident, independent learners who can navigate their academic and personal lives with ease. One of the key components to achieving this goal is the development of strong executive functioning skills. These skills cover a broad range of abilities and are essential for success both ...

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Getting the Brain Back-to-School Ready

As summer draws to a close, preparing your child for the new school year involves more than just buying school supplies and new clothes. Ensuring your child’s brain is ready to tackle the challenges ahead is equally important. Here are five essential tips to help your child get their brain back-to-school ready: 1. Focus on ...

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