
Brain-Based Reading Intervention to Help Struggling Students

Are you a parent of a struggling reader? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, more and more students seem to be struggling with reading, and it can be frustrating and demoralizing. But there is hope! Research has shown that there are effective reading interventions that can help struggling readers improve their skills.

Typical Reading Interventions Are Often Not Enough

When a child struggles with reading, the approach most schools take is to slow them down, re-teach concepts, and employ strategies like context cues and exposure. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this approach, for most kids, it is not enough.

Kids who struggle with reading often have core cognitive skill weaknesses that make hearing and manipulating sounds difficult. Or in some cases, it’s not actually a “reading” issue—it’s a problem with attention, working memory, or logic that keeps them from reading fluently.

As you can see, every case is unique. There is no one cause of reading struggles, and this is a big reason why many school-based or balanced literacy programs fail to help students gain ground quickly. This is also why for some kids, even good reading instruction isn’t enough to help it click.

What Causes Reading Struggles?

Instead of just exposing struggling readers to more tips and strategies, at LearningRx we believe in getting to the root cause of the problem: which skills are causing this particular student to struggle with reading?

This brain-based reading intervention approach targets the underlying cognitive skills that are necessary for reading success. These skills include phonemic awareness, attention, visual processing, logic, auditory processing, working memory, and more. By targeting these skills, the brain-based reading intervention at LearningRx helps students build a strong foundation for reading (and learning!) success.

Here are some of the signs of core cognitive skill weaknesses that cause reading struggles.

A Personal Approach

One of the key features of our brain-based reading intervention is its personalized approach. Every student is different, and what works for one student may not work for another. LearningRx’s reading intervention takes this into account by tailoring the intervention to the specific needs of the student. This ensures that the student is receiving the support they need to make progress.

Brain-Based Reading Intervention at LearningRx

Another key feature of brain-based reading intervention is its focus on building brain connections. When we learn something new, our brains form new connections between neurons. These connections allow us to process and understand new information. Our brain-based reading intervention uses a variety of techniques, such as visual and auditory activities, to help students build these connections and improve their reading skills.

One of the benefits of brain-based reading intervention is that it can be used with students of all ages. Whether you are a young child just starting to learn to read or an adult struggling with reading, we can help you improve your skills. It’s also been effective for many students with learning disabilities or other challenges that may make reading difficult.

With the right support and guidance, it is possible to improve reading skills and achieve success. Click here to contact us today and learn more!

Learn More About Our Brain-Based Reading Intervention Here >>

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