
Accommodations vs. Root-Cause Intervention for Learning Struggles

Learning is a unique journey, filled with its own set of challenges and triumphs. For individuals who face learning struggles, whether in school or everyday life, finding effective solutions becomes a top priority. Two prominent approaches that have gained attention in the field of education and cognitive training are accommodations and root-cause intervention.Let’s delve into the differences between these approaches, weigh their pros and cons, and explore how LearningRx can play a pivotal role in addressing learning difficulties.

Understanding Accommodations: A Short-Term Fix

Accommodations, in the context of learning struggles, involve making adjustments to the learning environment or tasks to help individuals work around their difficulties. Common accommodations include providing extra time on exams, allowing the use of assistive technologies, providing visual aids, and simplifying instructions. While accommodations can certainly help individuals manage their challenges, they primarily offer short-term solutions and do not address the underlying causes of the learning difficulties.

Pros of Accommodations:

  • Immediate relief. Accommodations can provide quick relief by enabling individuals to cope with challenges and complete tasks.
  • Inclusion. Accommodations ensure that individuals with learning struggles can actively participate in educational and professional activities.

Cons of Accommodations:

  • Dependency. Relying solely on accommodations might hinder individuals from developing essential skills and strategies to overcome their difficulties.
  • Limited growth. Accommodations do not address the root causes of learning struggles, potentially hindering long-term growth and improvement.
  • Continuation of the struggle. Some research shows that excessive accommodation for kids with certain disorders (like OCD and anxiety) actually exhibit worse symptoms when they are overly-accommodated. How this translates to learning struggles hasn’t been directly studied, but the framework is the same. If we avoid the root cause of the struggle, it’s going to be allowed to continue.

Click here to read more about things to think about when considering in-school accommodations >>

Exploring Root-Cause Intervention: Unveiling the Core Issues

A root-cause intervention, on the other hand, seeks to identify and address the underlying cognitive and neurological factors that contribute to learning difficulties. By targeting these foundational issues, individuals can experience substantial and lasting improvements in their learning abilities.

Root-cause interventions often involve personalized cognitive training programs that focus on strengthening cognitive skills such as memory, attention, processing speed, and reasoning. LearningRx is a prominent proponent of this approach, offering scientifically designed programs to enhance cognitive skills and address learning struggles at their core.

Pros of Root-Cause Intervention:

  • Lasting results. By addressing the root causes of learning struggles, individuals can experience significant and enduring improvements in their cognitive abilities.
  • Skill development. Root-cause interventions help individuals develop essential cognitive skills, allowing them to approach learning tasks more effectively.
  • Confidence boost. As cognitive skills improve, individuals often experience a boost in self-confidence and a greater sense of control over their learning.

Cons of Root-Cause Intervention:

  • Time and commitment. Root-cause interventions typically require a longer-term commitment outside of school, as they involve training and strengthening cognitive skills over time. However, when you consider that often accommodations last forever in a child’s education journey, this extra time to address the root cause can be a small price to pay.

The LearningRx Approach: Getting to the Root Cause of Learning Struggles

LearningRx takes a holistic approach that has helped thousands of students gain the skills they need to be confident and successful in school. By addressing the underlying cognitive weaknesses that contribute to learning struggles, LearningRx aims to equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in academic, professional, and personal pursuits.

The LearningRx programs are tailored to individual needs, focusing on strengthening cognitive skills while also offering strategies to manage immediate challenges. This dual approach not only yields lasting improvements but also empowers individuals to navigate their learning journeys more effectively.

If you’re the parent of a struggling learner, hear this…

Accommodations are not your only option.

You don’t have to just let your child struggle through another year.

By digging deeper and finding the root cause of your child’s learning struggles, you can fill their cognitive toolbox with the things they need to read, focus, think, and learn more effectively.

Learn more about brain training here >>

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