
How Cognitive Skills Impact Organization

Staying organized can be a challenge for many of us. It requires not only physical effort and time to keep up with organization strategies, but also cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. When these cognitive skills are weak, it can be difficult to maintain an organized environment.

Some signs that weak cognitive skills may be sabotaging your ability to stay organized include:

  • You have a child whose backpack or room are constantly a disaster zone
  • A desk or workspace always looks like a tornado went through
  • You can never seem to remember where you left something or struggle to follow through on an organization strategy or plan for your day
  • Constantly asking “what should I do now?” instead of forming a plan independently

Attention for Organization

Attention is a cognitive skill that allows us to focus on what is important and ignore distractions. When we are distracted, it is easy to lose track of what we are doing and forget where we put things. This can lead to clutter and disorganization. 

On the other hand, when we are able to pay attention, we can stay on task and remember where we put things, making it easier to keep our environment organized.

Can You Remember Where You Left It?

Memory is another critical cognitive skill for organization. When we have a good memory, we can remember where we put things and what we need to do. This allows us to easily access the things we need and stay on top of our tasks. 

Can You Picture How It Should Be?

Visual processing is another key cognitive skill for organization. If you’re able to picture where something is, how a space should look, or envision a finished organization project, it’s easier to keep your spaces tidy and orderly. 

Are You Forgetting What You’re Supposed to Be Doing?

While long term memory deals with remembering where something is, working memory directly impacts the process of organization. If you frequently find yourself or your kids doing one of these things, it could be a sign of weak working memory:

  • Leaving a project half-finished
  • Asking “what should I do now?”
  • Trying to multitask (but not doing anything completely)
  • Abandoning your system after a short amount of time

Problem-Solving for Organization

Problem-solving is also crucial for staying organized. Organizing often requires us to think ahead and plan how we will use our space and time. This requires us to consider different options, evaluate their pros and cons, and make decisions about the best course of action. Without strong problem-solving skills, it can be difficult to come up with effective organizational strategies and stick to them.

Building Cognitive Skills Helps in Real Life

Cognitive skills play a critical role in real-life contexts like organization. When these skills are strong, it is easier to maintain an organized environment and access the things we need. On the other hand, when these skills are weak, it can be challenging to stay organized and can lead to frustration and difficulty in daily life.

Wondering which weak cognitive skills are making organization harder for you or your kids? Take this FREE brain skills quiz to get an idea! >>

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