
Games that Build Attention Skills

Attention skills are important for success in school and in life. They allow us to focus on a task at hand, ignore distractions, and remember important information. For kids with ADHD especially, building attention skills can feel daunting. Games are a great tool to approach this skill weakness in a way that is low-pressure and fun!

Three Kinds of Attention

You think of attention as being able to stay focused, but there are actually 3 main subtypes of attention:

  1. Selective attention is your ability to tune out distractions and focus on one thing at a time
  2. Divided attention is your ability to process multiple stimuli at once (multitasking)
  3. Sustained attention is how long you’re able to maintain focus

Knowing which area of attention is hard for yourself or your kids can help you tailor your efforts to grow!

What Do Weak Attention Skills Look Like?

Weak attention skills can manifest in different ways. 

For example, weak selective attention may look like: 

  • Constantly getting distracted
  • Trouble keeping their eyes on their own work
  • Zoning out during class
  • Or needing quiet spaces to complete assignments

On the other hand, weak divided attention may look like: 

  • Hyper-focusing on one thing and not being able to process other things that are happening
  • Trouble with multi-step directions
  • Poor reading comprehension
  • Issues with taking notes and test-taking

And finally, weak sustained attention will present as burnout and fatigue, even if the activity has not actually been going on for too long.

Looking for a more targeted approach to building these skills with professional support along the way? Check out our attention training program here. 

Games That Build Attention Skills

There are many games and activities that can help improve attention skills. Here are a few examples:

Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza: This fast-paced game is fun for all ages and requires working memory, divided attention, processing speed, and more essential thinking skills!

Battleship: Yes, it’s a classic – and yes, it’s great for your brain! Battleship can help build attention skills along with logic & reasoning, planning, problem-solving, and working memory.

Blink: This is another fast game to help build cognitive efficiency, selective attention, visual processing, working memory and more! 

Rory’s Story Cubes: Have a creative child? They’ll love this engaging storytelling game! It also builds skills like strategy, problem-solving, sustained attention, and working memory.

Set: This logic game is great for developing problem-solving, sustained attention, visual discrimination, and strategy.

Sequence: Another great game for anyone, but especially for people with attention struggles, Sequence helps build planning and organizational skills along with logic, working memory, and attention.

Attention Skills Training at LearningRx

At LearningRx, we offer personalized training programs to help individuals of all ages improve their focus in any situation. Our programs are tailored to the specific needs of each individual because weak attention often coexists with problems with working memory, logic, reading, and other areas of learning.

If you want to know more about how your brain works, which skills are weak, and how to strengthen them, schedule a cognitive skills assessment today! This tool is an invaluable insight into how your brain is wired so you can know exactly what you need to focus on to strengthen it. 

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Reston!