Katy News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Find A Math Tutor in Monument

Looking for a math tutor in Monument? There’s more than one way to get hands-on learning support for kids, teens, and adults. At LearningRx Colorado Springs, our brain training programs can help students transform the way they think, learn, and remember. With subject-specific programs, such as our math help programs, we work on honing core ...

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Stress & Learning Struggles: Helping Your Child Build Resilience

Learning difficulties are a major source of stress for children. While it might seem like they’re just not trying, are lazy, or are falling behind due to school conditions, there are real neurobiological reasons why kids who struggle in school feel inadequate and unprepared for their daily tasks. Helping your child build resilience is essential ...

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Are You Losing Your Edge? 4 Signs of Slowing Processing Speed in Adults

One of the questions we often get is: how do I know if I’m losing my edge? Slowing processing speed is a major concern for adults, because cognitive decline is a scary road to walk. If you’re questioning your brain’s ability to keep up with the world, here are a few things to be on ...

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Finding the “Disconnect”

Amelia came to LearningRx when she was 9 years old.  Her parents shared: “Our daughter, Amelia, is a struggling learner. She has difficulty reading (she still sounds out nearly every single word, including two- and three-letter words), concentrating, sitting still when she’s thinking, and word recognition. It seems evident that there is a disconnect in ...

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Finding the “Disconnect”

Amelia came to LearningRx when she was 9 years old.  Her parents shared: “Our daughter, Amelia, is a struggling learner. She has difficulty reading (she still sounds out nearly every single word, including two- and three-letter words), concentrating, sitting still when she’s thinking, and word recognition. It seems evident that there is a disconnect in ...

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Finding the “Disconnect”

Amelia came to LearningRx when she was 9 years old.  Her parents shared: “Our daughter, Amelia, is a struggling learner. She has difficulty reading (she still sounds out nearly every single word, including two- and three-letter words), concentrating, sitting still when she’s thinking, and word recognition. It seems evident that there is a disconnect in ...

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3 Reasons to Invest in Brain Training for Kids

When your child is struggling in a learning environment, you’ll want to explore options for one-on-one support. But many parents wonder if brain training for kids is a worthwhile investment in your child’s learning process.  We’re going to explore that question in greater detail—but first, let’s talk about brain training.  This form of one-on-one support ...

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Reasons Why Some Kids Have Low Self-Esteem

Despite your best efforts to encourage your child, they still struggle with low self-esteem. What’s going on? Kids who lack confidence often struggle in many areas of life, including academics, social connection, and the willingness to try hard things. It can be helpful to take a step back and consider WHY they struggle with confidence ...

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Gear Up for School with Math Skills Training

As the new school year approaches, you or your child may be worrying about their aptitude for math. Why not start the year with confidence by gearing up for school with brain training? Through our math help programs, we work on math skills training for kids and teens.   There are many reasons kids struggle with ...

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4 Behaviors to Watch for This Summer That May Signal Learning Struggles

As you spend more time with your kids over the summer, there are some signs to watch for that may look like behavior issues but are actually often rooted in cognitive deficits. Identifying these areas now and being proactive about addressing them can save you and your kids some stress and overwhelm in the fall! ...

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8 Habits and Traits of People with Healthy Self-Esteem

Experts agree that having healthy self-esteem is a foundation of mental and emotional health throughout life. When we have a positive view of ourselves, we are often able to: On the flipside, low self-esteem is often linked with mental health concerns, isolation, lack of motivation, and more.  So for kids and adults alike, what are ...

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