Meet the Team at LearningRX - Franklin

Get to know our leadership team and brain trainers!

Tiffany Leader

Owner & Director

They say our mess becomes our message, so I’d love to take this opportunity to share mine.

I was a child who struggled—in elementary school, in high school, and in college. Back then, I never would have admitted it, and I’d guess few people realized it. I was on the honor roll, an officer in the National Honors Society, and a nationally ranked runner, who earned a scholarship to a D1 university.

But I struggled. I worked really hard and was resourceful, but I had a lot of anxiety before people really talked about anxiety.

For me, the hardest part was getting started.

In elementary school, I wouldn’t understand instructions, and I’d forget what I learned by the time I got home. Too embarrassed to ask for help, I’d turn in assignments unfinished and hope my classmates wouldn’t notice.

When I’d sit down to do homework in high school, I’d read a question, go searching for the answer, and 30 minutes later I’d realize I forgot what I was looking for and still be stuck on question number one. My parents were frustrated, as was I. I didn’t have an explanation, further perpetuating my anxiety and self-doubt.

In college, I wouldn’t start a paper until late the night before it was due, and then I’d pull an all-nighter and be frantically trying to connect to a printer at 7:52 AM. At that time, I had no idea my procrastination was a defense mechanism.

I believed that learning was always going to be hard for me. It seemed to come easier to my peers, which affected my self-confidence in everything.

Eventually that insecurity and lack of confidence carried into adulthood. By this time, I was pretty good at masking it, but it continued to resurface in my personal and professional life.

At age 30, I found LearningRx. I completed a 3-month brain training program, specifically tailored to my cognitive areas of challenge. It changed every aspect of my life. In the following couple years, I doubled my income, allowing me to open my very own LearningRx. Today, I am more efficient, more present, and more confident in everything I do.

If I told my childhood self—the girl who tried to go unnoticed and acted like she didn’t care—what I’ve accomplished at 34, she wouldn’t believe me.

LearningRx changed the trajectory of my life and my career, and I am so incredibly grateful. I’m honored to pass on the gift of brain training to our community and to help anyone else who doubts themselves reach their dreams through living their fullest potential.

Amanda Prater

Certified Brain Trainer & schedule coordinator

I am a native Tennessean, a wife of 17 years and a homeschool mom of two teenage boys. After teaching them for 11 years, my boys switched to an online schooling curriculum for high school. I found myself missing the “teaching” I had been doing for so long. When I first discovered LearningRx and diving into the research and results, I remember telling my husband “I am meant for this job!” LearningRx has fulfilled a missing piece of my life and so much more. I enjoy being able to help others become their most successful selves. The most rewarding part of being a brain trainer is seeing someone accomplish something they have worked at for so long. Watching someone gain confidence in their abilities is so satisfying.

In my free time, my family and I enjoy traveling to watch our oldest son play ice hockey all over the country. When we aren’t traveling, you will most likely to find me outside going for walks around our neighborhood or playing in the backyard with our two dogs. Aside from that, I love to be in the gym or curled up with a good book, especially a mystery novel! 

Amariya Mullet

director of student success & certified virtual Brain Trainer

I am a life-long learner and love challenging myself. I work remotely from Colorado Springs. Tiffany and I met at the Colorado Springs headquarters for a training event a few years back, where we bonded over how hard it is to make the /r/ sound on its own.

I observe training sessions via Zoom and visit Franklin frequently to support the success and growth of our students and trainers. I am also a kindergarten teacher, and love that I get to use what I have learned at LearningRx to now know how to build a solid foundation for kids learning to read.

When I am not working, you can find me in the foothills of Pikes Peak, reading, or spending time with my family.

Alexander Deits

certified Brain Trainer

I’m a sports enthusiast—a student of the game. I enjoy working with kids and watching them surprise themselves. I’ve been coaching middle school basketball and soccer for the last few years and spend my free time on the tennis courts or golf course with friends.

I was born in Romania but grew up in Wisconsin and Tennessee. Franklin has been home for 13 years.  

I was intrigued when I learned about brain training and went through a LearningRx program myself to better myself and work on some areas that I felt were lacking. I was diagnosed with ADD in middle school and didn’t like the way I felt on medication.

Since completing my own program, my ability to be present in conversation and recall of events has improved drastically. I’m just sharper. Even when I’m tired, my mental stamina and fortitude are significantly better. Reading comprehension and mental math are also much easier. 

The changes I’ve seen in myself and in my students has got me thinking about opening my own LearningRx one day. 

Telisa Pylant

Master Brain Trainer

In July of 2008, I met a LearningRx brain trainer through a mutual friend. Within a few minutes of learning about brain training, I was hooked! The following month, I started my training to become a certified brain trainer and never looked back. After over a decade of brain training, I truly believe anything is possible. I love all things art–my bachelor’s degree from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) is in Literature and Film Studies. I am also a jewelry designer/maker and painter. Recently, I started learning more about gardening and cooking. It’s never too late to try something new and improve ourselves.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRX - Franklin!