
What’s So Special About One-on-One Brain Training?

Our one-to-one approach is one of the biggest things that sets us apart from other brain training resources, both virtually and in person. Every client is paired with a personal brain trainer who will follow them through the completion of their program—and that relationship is truly something special! Here are some of the things that make one-on-one brain training so unique and effective:

Focus On Results

The trainer gets to know your exact goals so the program can be tailored to meet those. Whether it’s better memory, improved reading, faster thinking, or longer focus, the one-on-one relationship allows the program to be completely adaptable to your needs and your desired results!

Customize Each Training Session

Unlike online tools or other prescriptive programs, LearningRx brain training sessions look slightly different for everyone. Your trainer will customize each session to target weaknesses, build intensity, strengthen skills, and have fun. This balance is an art that we are proud of, and the results show its effectiveness!

Build Relationships to Push Clients Outside Their Comfort Zones

If you’re brain training on an app and it gets hard, likely you shut it off and say “I’ll come back to that later.” 

You can’t do that when you have someone acting as your personal coach every step of the way!

We like it when things get hard because that is where the real growth happens. Every trainer’s goal is to find your “training zone”—those sticking points that are holding you back from your highest potential. By spending time in this challenge, even when it’s uncomfortable, you see so much more growth and improvement than you would otherwise.

Focus on Attitude

One of the biggest things parents report to us after brain training is a change in their child’s attitude toward learning, as well as improved confidence. That’s because we train the brain while also training attitude, self-perception, and motivation through our program.

Every trainer works with clients to help them recognize their potential, own their mistakes, think positive thoughts about themselves, and try new things. This attitude shift has monumental effects that get carried into real life, too!

Help Clients Walk Through Failure and Learn from Mistakes

We celebrate failure in our center because it is the evidence of effort.

Failure is the brain’s way of learning and growing, and we don’t think it gets enough credit! Celebrating failure and learning from mistakes makes our clients more willing to try new things, more self-motivated, and more confident in all areas.

Focus on Confidence, Improvements, Challenges, and Gains

At every session, our one-on-one approach creates an environment that fosters growth and positivity in our clients. We get to celebrate small wins and massive gains, as well as the hard stuff that comes up along the way.

If you’re curious about how one-on-one brain training could impact your or your child’s life, give us a call! 

We’d love to talk with you and chat about your struggles and how a personalized brain trainer could make all the difference.

Click here to contact us now!

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Irvine!