
Did you ever wonder what the best students do to get great grades?

Following are the key study habits that we see the top students do consistently in order to be a high achieving student.

1. Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session.

Ever find yourself up late at night expending more energy trying to keep your eyelids open than you are studying? If so, it’s time for a change. Successful students typically space their work out over shorter periods of time and rarely try to cram all of their studying into just one or two sessions.

2. Plan what you are going to study and have a specific goal in mind.

You need to know exactly what you must accomplish during each study session. Before you start studying make a plan for the evening and follow it. (i.e. memorize 30 vocabulary words in order to ace the vocabulary section on an upcoming Spanish test.) Plan out how much time you are going to spend on each subject and activity and prioritize them.

3. Study the most critical subjects every night, even if you don’t have an assignment.

The most successful students take the time to review their notes, review key concepts, and even look ahead a bit on the most critical subjects like science, math, reading, and writing. Not only do they take the time they plan for it. Study’s have shown that just 15 minutes of review each night makes a significant difference in performance.

4. Start with the most difficult task first.

As your most difficult assignment or subject will require the most effort and mental energy, you should start with it first. Once you’ve completed the most difficult work, it will be much easier to complete the rest of your work. Believe it or not, starting with the most difficult subject will greatly improve the effectiveness of your study sessions, and your academic performance.

5. Make sure you have a proper study area with the right materials.

Having a good place to work, that allows you to spread out and has all the materials you need right there is important. You want a well-lit space with a flat surface that you can comfortably sit at and is free of distractions. On the couch in front of the TV is not a good space, in a chair at the kitchen table with everything I need nearby is a good space. Keep pens, paper, index cards and other materials close at hand and in the same place.

6. Writing and drawing help you remember important information – electronic quizzes do not.

Your memory likes to store things in pictures and it loves your pictures! The act of writing out formula’s, definitions, and concepts helps your memory make a kinetic connection to what you are trying to learn. Drawing a picture of hard to remember concepts works even better. Doing a “quizelet” online only tests what you know, it will not help you remember the material as there is not a kinetic connection. So, keep those blank index cards and pens and pencils handy to make study cards!

7. Ask your teachers for help!

The best students are not afraid to ask for help from their teachers. Teachers love to help their students and typically they will go out of their way to help the students that are seeking help. Many times they don’t understand when a student needs help because they have not asked. Speak up, ask for help, your performance will go up.

8. Don’t slouch, SLANT!

We have all been in those boring lectures that make it hard to take notes and learn. If you sit near the front of the classroom and SLANT you will take better notes, the time will go faster, and you will increase your understanding. So, Sit up, Lean forward, Ask and answer questions, Nod your head, and Track (follow) the teacher!

If you would like to learn more about how to develop critical study skill’s please give us call. If a child works hard but continues to struggle with reading, math, or attention issues then it may indicate a deeper problem. We can help identify the root cause and develop a strategy to address it.

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