
Optimize Learning with Joy!

When your child is learning a new skill, how do you maximize retention of information and minimize that feeling of defeat? It can become difficult, especially when hammering at those unfamiliar, but crucial tasks such as learning to read or memorizing multiplication tables. But don’t stress— there is help.

        The first step is to shift your mindset. Cognitive studies show that bringing a positive and relaxed attitude to learning elevates levels of comprehension. When learning is accompanied by feelings of joy, the brain produces more dopamine, thus raising morale and amplifying the brain’s ability to process information spanning from large, complex ideas to the smallest, most minute of details.

        Now from here on out, everything is aimed at boosting those dopamine levels. Get creative; make your learning into a game! Engage the senses! Set goals to reach along the way! Tailor your methods to your child’s specific needs— if your child has ADHD and struggles with focusing, split the learning up into manageable chunks and end each chunk with some sort of positive reward. Talk with your child and figure out together what will optimize attention and enjoyment. Who says learning can’t be fun?

        It won’t always be easy, but helping your child maintain a positive mindset while learning is one of the best ways to help them grow. It sets them up for success in not only the subject at hand, but also in long-term skills such as:

  • Executive function skills
  • Study skills
  • Auditory processing
  • Reading comprehension
  • Attention span, and more!

        If your child is struggling with these skills or you’re unsure of how to start implementing a more creative method of learning, give us a call. Here at Learning Rx, we specialize in improving cognitive functions through a variety of effective exercises. We are designed to help you with your specific learning journey and would love to offer some help.

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