
Myths and Indicators of Dyslexia

This is Dyslexia Awareness Month and dyslexia impacts 5 – 15% of all Americans! There can be a lot of confusion as to what constitutes dyslexia vs. simply a difficulty with reading. Let’s look at some common myths about dyslexia.

Reading backward and/or reversing letters means an individual is dyslexic

It is common for younger students – those in Kindergarten and 1st grade – to reverse letters as they are learning the letter codes. The most common reversals and b’s and d’s and p’s and q’s. Given it’s a common issue for young learners it does not mean a child is dyslexic. It is, however, something to keep an eye on as students get older as it can be part of an overall dyslexia diagnosis.

Dyslexia only manifests when a child starts school

Dyslexia causes the brain to function differently and does not only affect the ability to read. It also affects speech. If your child is a late talker or struggles with simple rhyming exercises, it may be an indicator towards dyslexia.

Not reading enough can contribute to dyslexia

This is a myth! Dyslexia is a neurological condition that does not improve by reading more frequently. When a person struggles with dyslexia reading is often choppy and there is difficulty in decoding. This makes reading and comprehension a challenge. Dyslexia doesn’t just “get cured” but there are several types of interventions that can help a child or adult improve in spite of a dyslexia diagnosis. One approach that can be helpful is a multisensory approach that incorporates sight, sound and touch.

Dyslexia relates to vision issues.

Untrue. Vision and dyslexia are unrelated, however, for a person with dyslexia, visual processing, or recognizing details in images, may be a challenge.

Signs of Dyslexia

While dyslexia typically presents itself during childhood, it can be missed if you don’t know what to watch for. Many people aren’t diagnosed with dyslexia until they’re in their teen or adult years and can still benefit greatly from interventions.

Below are some indicators that the issue may be dyslexia:

Early years:

  • Delayed talking
  • Difficulty forming words
  • Difficulty retaining letters, colors and numbers

School-age children

  • Avoiding reading
  • Reading below expectations and struggles with spelling
  • Struggles with sequential processing – multi-step functions
  • Difficulty with new words
  • Difficulty summarizing information
  • Mispronouncing words or coming up with words

If you have concerns that you or a loved one may be struggling with dyslexia, the next step is to schedule an initial assessment at LearningRx. The assessment will identify the root cause of these difficulties and, more importantly, enable a customized program to address these issues and improve performance.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Eagan!