
Struggling learner’s parents list 10 real-life improvements they’ve seen

LearningRx Personal Brain Training Reviews New Student Success

Struggling learner’s parents list 10 real-life improvements they’ve seen

One-on-one brain training company LearningRx is celebrating the incredible success of Grace, a student who enrolled in a one-on-one brain training at LearningRx Charlotte North.

Grace had attention and learning struggles. She would blurt things out, had poor time management, was unable to do double-digit math in her head and struggled to read at grade level. Because of these issues, Grace would avoid challenging tasks and had trouble staying motivated and on task. In addition, her mother says that Grace wasn’t able to easily adapt to changes.

Since completing LearningRx personal brain training, her parents have witnessed countless changes! In fact, her mother recorded a video listing the Top 10 improvements they’ve seen in Grace since going through LearningRx’s one-on-one brain training program. Although not an exhaustive list, some of these include an increased ability to: multitask, slow her racing mind in order to focus, read longer passages, add and subtract double-digit numbers in her head, apply herself to tackle hard tasks, plan and strategize to reach goals, and read at grade level.

Watch the video here: https://www.studentshoutouts.com/2017/07/06/graces-mom-shares-improvements/

LearningRx highlights students’ successes from personal brain training by showcasing them in videos on https://www.studentshoutouts.com/. Videos are searchable by categories, such as improvement (e.g., attention, memory, reading) or age (e.g., kids, teens, adults, seniors).

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