How Personal Brain Training Can Help Those With TBI

Although LearningRx doesn’t diagnose or treat traumatic brain injury (TBI), our personal brain training programs have helped clients with these injuries enhance their cognitive abilities.

We start with a Brain Skills Assessment, which provides a thorough understand of the person’s cognitive skills—including which are strong and which aren’t up to par. Cognitive skills are an integral part of learning, reading, memorizing and performing, and they work together to take incoming information and move it into a bank of knowledge that we use ever day. These brain skills include logic & reasoning, processing speed, auditory and visual processing, memory and attention.

Using the results of the Brain Skills Assessment, we create a one-on-one brain training program that targets and trains those weak cognitive skills. Then the client is paired with their own personal brain trainer who will work with them for the duration of their program.

Our Results 

Over a nine-year period, 386 children and adults came to LearningRx diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI). We measured the cognitive skills of these clients before and after brain training. Here’s what we discovered:

  • Among 386 clients with TBI, the most dramatic improvements were seen in long-term memory, auditory processing, and broad attention.
  • Long-term memory skills improved an average of 3.9 years following LearningRx brain training.
  • IQ scores also improved after LearningRx brain training.

In one case study, a 34-year-old client, suffering effects from an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast in Iraq, experienced dramatic cognitive gains after just 18 weeks of training. His largest gains were in short-term memory (his after-training performance improved by 77 standard score points) and working memory (his after-training performance improved by 70 standard score points).His family called the changes nothing short of life-changing.

Hear for Yourself

Would you like to hear how LearningRx helped TBI survivors in their own words? 

Check out this video about Drew, who received a traumatic brain injury from a bike accident:

Or listen to John tell his story about recovering from a TBI after a motorcycle accident:

To learn more about how LearningRx helps survivors of TBIs, visit

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Eagan!