ADD & ADHD Help in Colorado Springs

ADHD can be a superpower in a lot of ways, one that taps into enormous reserves of energy, creativity, and curiosity. But it can also create a lot of challenges, making it harder to maintain focus, complete tasks, and stay organized. The right ADHD help can be a game-changer. At LearningRx Colorado Springs, we offer one-on-one brain training for those with ADHD.

Attention and focus are skills which can be honed and strengthened over time. Through one-on-one brain training, learners of all ages can target these skills and other cognitive skills affected by ADHD, including processing and memory. When students advance their abilities, they can discover new strengths and aptitudes.

We calibrate our approach for each client, with a unique training plan for every learner. Past LearningRx clients with ADHD have reported significant improvements in sustained attention skills, by an average of 3.2 years. With brain training, students who need ADHD help can tap into their incredible potential.

Watch how Wesley rediscovered a love of learning with brain training:

ADHD Student is Ready for College after LearningRx Training | Raleigh, NC Review

Brain Training & ADHD

Personalized Training Plans for Learners with ADHD

Brain training isn’t all that different from personal training. In the same way that muscle groups can be honed and improved with one-on-one training, we target and train specific cognitive skills.

ADHD symptoms can be different for everyone, which is why we start with a Brain Skills Assessment. This in-depth evaluation gives us a clear picture of a learner’s skills and strengths, as well as identifying specific opportunities for growth. 

At LearningRx Colorado Springs, we tailor training plans with each learner in mind. Through dynamic, focused drills and exercises, students exert their cognitive skills. One-on-one training offers immediate feedback and encouragement, which can be especially helpful for those who need ADHD help. 

As students advance through the program, they can improve their skill-building, take on bigger challenges, and get excited about learning.

Brain Training or ADHD Tutoring?

When students need help, tutoring can often be the first place parents turn to. While tutoring can offer more one-on-one time with learning materials, it’s not designed to improve underlying thinking and learning skills. 

Brain training, on the other hand, targets those foundational cognitive skills. By improving these skills, students don’t just become more confident learners and thinkers in school — they can also draw on these abilities throughout a lifetime of learning. 

Find ADHD Help with LearningRx Colorado Springs!

At LearningRx Colorado Springs, we accept students from across the region, including Castle Rock, United States Air Force Academy, and Monument. With one-on-one training, anyone can strengthen the way they think, learn, remember, and focus.

If you’re looking for ADHD help, learn more about the benefits of one-on-one brain training. To start a conversation with LearningRx Colorado Springs or to book a Brain Skills Assessment, call (719) 550-8263.

Disclaimer: LearningRx helps clients with ADHD by targeting and training cognitive skills such as attention, working memory, and processing speed. Please note that we do not diagnose ADHD, and brain training is not a cure for ADHD.

Get Started with Brain Training Today!

Contact Your Local Brain Training Center to Book an Assessment.