
5 Facts That Help De-stigmatize Learning Disabilities

If you’ve been told your student has a learning disorder (a.k.a. learning disability), it can bring up a wealth of emotions ranging from fear and guilt to embarrassment and worry. But there are some important facts that can help put things into perspective:

1. Learning disorders aren’t linked to intelligence. Even smart kids can have a learning challenge!

2. Learning disorders aren’t linked to the student’s will to perform a task.

3. Learning disorders may affect HOW you learn, but not necessarily IF you can learn. Neurodevelopmental conditions impact how the person perceives and processes information. Improving those skills can make learning easier and faster.

4. Approximately 1 in 5 children in the U.S. has a learning or attention disorder.

5. Learning disorders can be addressed through a variety of approaches, including occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, special education, medication, and academic support from specialized tutors. Additionally, personal brain training (also known as “cognitive skills training”) is designed to target and strengthen weak brain skills. These cognitive skills include attention, memory, processing speed, auditory and visual processing, and logic & reasoning. Unlike tutoring, which focuses on re-teaching information that was missed the first time, one-on-one brain training uses intensive, game-like exercises to work on the root cause of the learning struggles: weak cognitive skills.

If your child has been diagnosed with a learning disorder (or you suspect they may have one), consider scheduled a LearningRx Brain Skills Assessment. The one-hour assessment shows exactly which of your student’s cognitive skills are weak and which are strong. Using those results, we https://www.learningrx.com/about-us/our-testing/ to learn more.

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